| - Voyager 1 was a probe launched by NASA on Earth in the 20th century. When Voyager visited Saturn it discovered a storm in the planet's atmosphere. In 2020, Shaun Christopher noticed a difference between the original pictures of the storm sent to Earth by Voyager 1 and the storm of that time. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)
- Voyager 1 is the Command Core Hologram for Imperial Federation Warship NXT Voyager 74656-1202. (See Star Trek: Warship Voyager). Its is due to the achievements of Voyager-1 that help to advance and accelerate the development of IFUW Holo-Technologies for several decades.
- La misión Voyager ha sido uno de los mayores éxitos de la NASA. Esta misión fue diseñada para sacar ventaja de una extraña disposición geométrica de los planetas exteriores a finales de los 70's. Esa posición de Júpiter, Saturno, Urano y Neptuno, que ocurre una vez cada 175 años, daba a una sonda espacial que siguiera una particular trayectoria la posibilidad de pasar cerca de un planeta, observarlo, y aprovechando su "ayuda gravitacional" seguir el viaje hasta el siguiente. Así, el uso de los propulsores propios de la nave se limitaba a realizar pequeñas correcciones en la trayectoria.
- Space Shuttle ' Voyager 1 is a space probe launched by NASA on September 5, 1977. Part of the Voyager program to study the outer Solar System, Voyager 1 launched 16 days after its twin, Voyager 2. Having operated for , the spacecraft still communicates with the Deep Space Network to receive routine commands and return data. At a distance of AU (km) from the Sun as of June 2016, it is the furthest spacecraft from Earth and the only one in interstellar space.
- (Ship template still needs to be worked on. Rift Fleet 08:14, October 17, 2009 (UTC)) Name: Voyager 1 Type: Space Probe Speed: (Unknown, traveling quickly in realtive to a highway.) Powergenerator: (Unknown) Weapons: None Defences: None Crew Size: No crew just a computer. Owners: United States Government, NASA Space Program, Earth (More to be added.)