History of location is unknown.
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- Andromeda galaxy
- Andromeda Galaxy
| - History of location is unknown.
- Moving to new wikia. Article information can be placed back if need and information is saved. Rift Fleet 01:02, October 4, 2009 (UTC)
- In 2384, Section 31 sent Theseus, aboard the USS Phoenix-X, to the Andromeda Galaxy using an altered-transwarp engine, in order to gain the Kelvans as Section 31 allies. Upon entering the Galaxy, the Phoenix-X was forced out of transwarp due to abnormally high radiation levels. The Kelvans chose to keep their dominant values and not accept Theseus' offer. Instead, Theseus found the Kelvans to be developing Omega molecules. Theseus then acquired a group of these molecules for himself, suspending them within an Andromedan android's abdomen using Kelvan technology. The Phoenix-X returned home to the Milky Way safely and had the adjustments to their engine dismantled. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X: "Forbidden Crossing, Part III")
- Andromeda is one of the galaxies in the universe.
- The Andromeda Galaxy, roughly 2.5 million light-years from Earth, is the closest spiral-type galaxy to the Milky Way.
- The Andromeda Galaxy is one of the 3 galaxies that make up the Local Group. The High Guard ship Andromeda Ascendant was named after it. It was known to possess twin black holes at the center of its two cores which Hasturi called Scylla and Charybdis. ("It Makes a Lovely Light")
- The Andromeda Galaxy, sometimes called The Andromeda Nebula, is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light years from Earth. The exact size of the galaxy is unknown, but it is estimated to have a diameter of at least 220,000 light-years. The galaxy is split into quadrants known as Psi, Chi, Phi and Pi. As yet, only the Psi quadrant has been explored by the Venture League.
- Nieghboring galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy. This galaxy is similar to the Milky Way but information about it is limited to us for now.
- Many theories exist as to what the Andromeda galaxy may hold, some quite plausible and some absolutely ridiculous. It is entirely possible that more ancient civilizations that ours have visited it or even established colonies, but science has yet to discover the truth.
- Andromeda is the Greatest Galaxy in Lokal Group, which includes the Milky Way belongs.
- The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy is home to a number of species that do not live in the Milky Way Galaxy, such as Prypiatosian-B, Talpaedan, Amperi, Orishan, and Geochelone Aerio.
- In 2268, members of the Kelvan race from the Andromeda galaxy took over the USS Enterprise and tried to travel there, but were stopped by the Enterprise's crew. TOS: "By Any Other Name".
- This galaxy was home to a number of alien species which included the Makers who became curious about the neighboring Milky Way galaxy that they desired to explore further. To achieve this end, they created a series of hidden outposts to serve as platforms for further exploration and were populated by androids with one such colony being Galor IV. The androids were responsible for the creation of the pressurized domes and other facilities for their creators but before the Makers could join their androids - their home system went nova thus severing any contact between the Makers and the androids. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)
- An image depicting the Andromeda Galaxy was scanned by the Talosians as they reviewed the library computer files on board USS Enterprise in 2254. (TOS-R: "The Cage" ) A picture of the Andromeda Galaxy was on display in the briefing room of the USS Enterprise when the crew was reviewing star charts to search for the origin of an unknown buoy. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" ) An image of the galaxy was on display on one of the large bridge monitors aboard the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "Charlie X" , "The Naked Time" , "The Galileo Seven" , "Dagger of the Mind" )
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| - History of location is unknown.
- Moving to new wikia. Article information can be placed back if need and information is saved. Rift Fleet 01:02, October 4, 2009 (UTC)
- In 2384, Section 31 sent Theseus, aboard the USS Phoenix-X, to the Andromeda Galaxy using an altered-transwarp engine, in order to gain the Kelvans as Section 31 allies. Upon entering the Galaxy, the Phoenix-X was forced out of transwarp due to abnormally high radiation levels. The Kelvans chose to keep their dominant values and not accept Theseus' offer. Instead, Theseus found the Kelvans to be developing Omega molecules. Theseus then acquired a group of these molecules for himself, suspending them within an Andromedan android's abdomen using Kelvan technology. The Phoenix-X returned home to the Milky Way safely and had the adjustments to their engine dismantled. (Star Trek: Phoenix-X: "Forbidden Crossing, Part III")
- Andromeda is one of the galaxies in the universe.
- The Andromeda Galaxy, roughly 2.5 million light-years from Earth, is the closest spiral-type galaxy to the Milky Way.
- The Andromeda Galaxy is one of the 3 galaxies that make up the Local Group. The High Guard ship Andromeda Ascendant was named after it. It was known to possess twin black holes at the center of its two cores which Hasturi called Scylla and Charybdis. ("It Makes a Lovely Light")
- The Andromeda Galaxy, sometimes called The Andromeda Nebula, is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light years from Earth. The exact size of the galaxy is unknown, but it is estimated to have a diameter of at least 220,000 light-years. The galaxy is split into quadrants known as Psi, Chi, Phi and Pi. As yet, only the Psi quadrant has been explored by the Venture League.
- Nieghboring galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy. This galaxy is similar to the Milky Way but information about it is limited to us for now.
- Many theories exist as to what the Andromeda galaxy may hold, some quite plausible and some absolutely ridiculous. It is entirely possible that more ancient civilizations that ours have visited it or even established colonies, but science has yet to discover the truth.
- Andromeda is the Greatest Galaxy in Lokal Group, which includes the Milky Way belongs.
- The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way Galaxy. The Andromeda Galaxy is home to a number of species that do not live in the Milky Way Galaxy, such as Prypiatosian-B, Talpaedan, Amperi, Orishan, and Geochelone Aerio.
- This galaxy was home to a number of alien species which included the Makers who became curious about the neighboring Milky Way galaxy that they desired to explore further. To achieve this end, they created a series of hidden outposts to serve as platforms for further exploration and were populated by androids with one such colony being Galor IV. The androids were responsible for the creation of the pressurized domes and other facilities for their creators but before the Makers could join their androids - their home system went nova thus severing any contact between the Makers and the androids. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds) For hundreds of years now, the galaxy has seen a rising radiation level which is believed would make it uninhabitable within 10,000 years. One of the local races of the galaxy, the Kelvan Empire, sent several multi-generational ships out to chart nearby galaxies for habitation. One such group arrived in the Alpha Quadrant in 2267 and were encountered by the crew of the USS Enterprise. (TOS episode: "By Any Other Name") However, Kelvan Commander Rojan's subsequent research turned up alarming facts: that the radiation levels were rising even higher, at an exponential rate, and that the "10,000 years" figure was dangerously optimistic. Thus Rojan argued that the Kelvan Empire should ally itself with the Federation to find a new home for the Kelvans. (TOS - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "Gone Native") In the 2270s, the joint entity made of Willard Decker, Ilia and V'Ger headed for Andromeda. (TOS - Star Trek II Short Stories short story: "To Wherever") In the 2280s, Starfleet had begun to look at exploring the Andromeda Galaxy and sent several long-range starships, including the USS Magellanic Clouds, to investigate. (TOS - Duty, Honor, Redemption novelization: The Wrath of Khan) Both the Andromeda and Milky Way galaxies are connected by a transwarp corridor which increases the travel speed of transwarp voyages between the void, the USS Monitor during transwarp trials accidentally found its way into this corridor and was stranded between galaxies as a result. (ST novel: Captain's Blood) The Andromeda Galaxy was destroyed circa 2380 by the Totality. (ST novel: Captain's Peril) In 2410, the Iconian Herald Dyson sphere jumped from Andromeda to the Milky Way Galaxy. (STO mission: "Uneasy Allies")
- An image depicting the Andromeda Galaxy was scanned by the Talosians as they reviewed the library computer files on board USS Enterprise in 2254. (TOS-R: "The Cage" ) A picture of the Andromeda Galaxy was on display in the briefing room of the USS Enterprise when the crew was reviewing star charts to search for the origin of an unknown buoy. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" ) An image of the galaxy was on display on one of the large bridge monitors aboard the USS Enterprise. (TOS: "Charlie X" , "The Naked Time" , "The Galileo Seven" , "Dagger of the Mind" ) An ancient humanoid race from the Andromeda Galaxy became extinct following the destruction of their homeworld when their sun went supernova. Remnants of the species survived for a time on scattered outposts but eventually died out, leaving their android populations on their own. One of these android-populated outposts was the planet Mudd in the Milky Way Galaxy. (TOS: "I, Mudd" ) Centuries ago, the Kelvans became aware of dangerously rising radiation levels in Andromeda, a development expected to make that galaxy uninhabitable for their species within 10,000 years (or 10 millennia). The Kelvan Empire dispatched expeditions of multi-generational starships to explore the neighboring galaxies for territories suitable for conquest and occupation. (TOS: "By Any Other Name" ) Hypothetically, a Constitution-class starship running at maximum warp would take thousands of years to complete the journey to Andromeda. (TOS: "By Any Other Name" )
- In 2268, members of the Kelvan race from the Andromeda galaxy took over the USS Enterprise and tried to travel there, but were stopped by the Enterprise's crew. TOS: "By Any Other Name".