| - 4kids Entertainment Version: Professor Wizgiz : "It's the first class of the year, a year full of great potential and limitless possibilities and that is what metamorphosis is all about. Metamorphosis is the art of changing how you appear, and once you master it you can turn into anything from a rock to a rock star. Let me give you a little preview. Look at me now, an average elf. Look.." Wizgiz transforms into Griselda Griselda (Wizgiz): ".......at me now!" The students are shocked. Griselda (Wizgiz): "Don't worry, I'm not really the Queen of Detention." The students are relieved. Griselda (Wizgiz) "The beauty of magic is that you can always go back to being you." Wizgiz reverts to his original form. Wizgiz: "But for now we'll start with the basics." Wizgiz snaps his fingers. Wizgiz: "We'll warm up with one of the simplest exercises: Changing your hair color. You should all be able to breeze through this one. Look in the mirror, focus your Winx and go. Try to change it." One student succeeds, Bloom fails and puts down the mirror. Wizgiz: "Bloom, It's a little early to fall behind. You have a lot of homework to do." Wizgiz: "Good morning, everyone! As usual, it befalls to me to kick off the school year. Now, for those of you who haven't met me yet, I am Professor Wizgiz, your teacher of metamorphosis, or as I prefer to call it... the art of changing... (pulls the side of his mouth which snaps back in place, then suddenly transforms into Griselda) the way you look!" (students gasp in shock, then applaud) Wizgiz: (in combined voice of his and Griselda's) "Oh, but that's nothing! By year's end, you'll do better than that! (reverts and speaks normally) And since every ending must have a beginning, let us start with a simple exercise. (materializes hand mirrors to everyone) Concentrate. Look in the mirror, look at yourself, and think about changing the color of your hair." (Bloom attempts but fails) Wizgiz: "Don't worry, Bloom . If at first you don't succeed, try again!" Bloom smiles at Wizgiz' encouragement (4Kids cut of Bloom smiling at Wizgiz' encouragement)