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- Chercher "depression" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- Depression is a random event.
- Depression is nature's way of ridding a species of members that are weak, annoying and entirely worthless. Unfortunately, some wastrels will live their entire lives in hopeless depression without ever enriching humanity through self-annihilation.
- Depression is a Bakugan which has long,flexible body.He has long arms and one long feet which all of them has suck like thing on each finger on each side.He also has long,Appatosaurus-like neck and head with three yellow eyes.His colour is purple wth black on his center.He is flexible as he can flow to a very small hole.When enemy attacks him he is untouchable because he is fully liquid and he won't feel hurt,unless his weakness are on his central solid body which controls his arms and feets.
- Many people identify the feeling of being depressed as "feeling sad for no reason", or "having no motivation to do anything." One suffering from depression may feel tired, sad, irritable, lazy, unmotivated, and apathetic. Clinical depression is generally acknowledged to be more serious than normal depressed feelings. It often leads to constant negative thinking and sometimes substance abuse.
- Deep pessimism. Depressed characters refuse to see any good, value, or hope in anything. Any attempts to cheer them up are doomed to failure and they lose 2D6 Fel points.
- What's the point? We all sit here on a giant lump of rock thundering around the universe at thousands of miles per hour, as a negligable speck amidst an endless black, a vast nothingness. We squander what little time we have busying ourselves with the mundane, doomed to be forgotten come the imminent day of our inevitable death. We all try our best to leave a mark, to make that tiny difference, but the second we shut our eyes and depart to the beyond, our place will be filled by another drone, another poor soul who will work hard to be lost amid the plague to this planet that our race is fast becoming. Still, at least we have YouTube.
- Depression is what emo kids buy off the Internet for like 99 cents, usually on Itunes or something. Usually they end up choking on their hair or something anyway.
- Depressionen sind ein psychisches Leiden. Depressive Personen fühlen sich niedergeschlagen und antriebslos. Ein Auslöser für Depressionen kann Trauer nach dem Tod einer nahestehenden Person sein. Die junge Kathryn Janeway ist nach dem plötzlichen Tod ihres Vaters, Vice Admiral Janeway, wochenlang depressiv. Sie kommt kaum aus dem Bett. Erst ihre Schwester kann sie endlich wieder aufmuntern. (VOY: ) Aufgrund des hohen Leistungsdrucks die seine Vorgesetzten und auch seine Freunde von ihm erwarten, leidet Wesley Crusher auf der Sternenflottenakademie unter Depressionen. (TNG: )
- In 2268, Spock speculated that the suicides of all adults in the Starnes Exploration Party were caused by an outside force, either by bacteria or chemically induced depressions and suicidal anxiety. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead" ) Following the death of her father in 2358, Kathryn Janeway spent months in bed sleeping rather than dealing with her emotions. Her sister was ultimately responsible for helping her move on with life. (VOY: "Coda") In 2377, Ravoc described the symptoms of a brainwashed Tuvok's as acute anxiety and depression. (VOY: "Workforce")
- “Coffee,” A ginger-haired girl said to the waiter. She was wearing a smile, a perfectly beautiful smile. “Right away miss,” The waiter said before leaving. As soon as the waiter left, the ginger-haired girl’s smile faded. She stared at the table in front of her. Despite wearing four layers of clothes, she was still very cold. “Here you go miss,” The waiter said. The ginger girl looked up at the waiter. “Anything wrong, miss?” The waiter asked. “No,” The ginger haired girl said, “you just caught me off guard.” Then the waiter left. She started walking. The girl leaped in fear. This was getting scary.
- Erosion related:
* Blowout: a depression created by wind erosion typically in either a partially vegetated sand dune ecosystem or dry soils (such as a post-glacial loess environment).
* Glacial valley: a depression carved by erosion by a glacier.
* River valley: a depression carved by fluvial erosion by a river.
* Area of subsidence caused by the collapse of an underlying structure such as sinkholes in karst terrain.
* Sink: an endorheic depression generally containing a persistent or intermittent (seasonal) lake, a salt flat (playa) or dry lake, or an ephemeral lake.
- noun
* 1.a. a state of low emotional spirits brought on by reading and/or thinking too much.
* 1.b. the point at which an economy cuts and runs backwards. Sissy.
* 1.c. the period during which the economy is doing this, characterized by stock market crashes, unemployment, and homelessness.
* 1.d. an indentation, especially in the road, colloquially referred to as a "pothole." Very large depressions are often referred to as being the size of the hole in Oklahoma City. Dang terrorists.
- Depression was a mental condition characterized by feelings of sadness for no reason, little interest in participating in activities, or interacting with other people. It could be caused by a range of factors, such as grief, events in one's life, drugs, other medical and psychological conditions, or a nervous breakdown. Assistance from others or drugs could help, but not totally remove the condition. A related condition was chronic depression, in the symptoms of depression remained for long periods of time.
- Clinical depression is a state of intense sadness, melancholia or despair that has advanced to the point of being disruptive to an individual's social functioning and/or activities of daily living. Although a low mood or state of dejection that does not affect functioning is often colloquially referred to as "depression", clinical depression is a clinical diagnosis and may be different from the everyday meaning of "being depressed."
- Depression är ett mental tillstånd som har kännetecken av sorg utan anledning. Personer med depression känna olika symptom som ledsen, orolig och rastlös. Under 2001 led Löjtnant Dean Barber av depression efter han hade varit på planeten P4X-347 efter studerat ljus matrix hologram. (SG1: "The Light")
- You've seen those common TV commercials about depression. "Are you less interested in things you used to enjoy? Maybe you're depressed. Depression hurts." Etcetera. Everyone feels down sometimes (with the possible exception of The Eeyore, who's always feeling down). However, there are various types of clinical depression, which is a very common psychological problem. Up to 1 in 5 people will experience it at some point in their lives. The major signs of depression, copied over from the Useful Notes page on suicide's overview of depression, are as follows:
- Depression, though not explicitly mentioned by name, appears in The Sims and its expansions. It is the result of a Sim's motives not being fulfilled. It is inspired by the real life mental disease which shares the same name. If a Sim's motives are neglected for long enough, especially social, the Sim's mood will begin to drop into the red area, and the Sim will eventually become depressed. A depressed Sim will refuse to look for jobs, whether it be via computer or newspaper. If a Sim is already employed, he/she will not automatically decide to go to work when the carpool shows up, instead they will have to be prompted. He/She will also refuse to take part in most skill-building activities, such as chess or reading a skill book. In The Sims 2 and The Sims 3, nightmares can also be a result
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Depression/preload editintro=Depression/editintro width=25 The mental illness of depression is qualitatively different than sadness. It is constant mental pain, impossible to recreate once you recover, just as the pain of a broken ankle can not be felt again when your injury is cured. As William Styron says:
- ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Es war ein regnerischer Mittwochabend. Die Regentropfen klopften leicht an meinem Fenster, so als würden sie versuchen in mein Territorium einzudringen. Dunkelgraue Wolken bedeckten den sonst so schönen blauen Himmel komplett. Es herrschte eine Totenstille in meinem Zimmer. Das einzige Geräusch, nebst den Regentropfen welches ich wahrnahm, war das rhythmische Ticken meiner schwarzen Wanduhr. Wenn man sich für einen Moment lang nur auf dieses Ticken konzentrierte, konnte das einen in den Wahnsinn treiben. Kein Scherz.
- Die Depression Depression kommt vom Lateinischen. Das Verb dazu hieß depressere, depresso, depressi, depressurur esse. Die deutsche Bedeutung bedeutet so viel wie traurig sein oder auch geographisch gesehen, Senke. Dabei wird betont, dass die Depression ein erheblicher Gemütstiefstand ist. Leute in Depression werden hauptsächlich von den
- Depression is a psychiatric diagnosis that describes a mood disorder , transient or permanent, characterized by feelings of depression, unhappiness, and guilt, as well as cause total or partial inability to enjoy the things and events of everyday life. Depressive disorders may be, to a greater or lesser degree, accompanied by anxiety . This psychiatric disorder, in some cases, may be one of the phases of bipolar disorder .