| - Clone troopers were military soldiers cloned from the template Frank the Clone Trooper. They were originally designed to serve the Republic in the Grand Army of the Republic, which was allowed to commence under the signing of the Frank Creation Act. Originally, the clones were clad in yellow armor; however, Obi-Wan felt that they would be more intimidating in white, since it was his favorite color. The Kaminoans, decided to change the color of the armor to white, however, they stuck with yellow for commanders and pilots.
| - Clone troopers were military soldiers cloned from the template Frank the Clone Trooper. They were originally designed to serve the Republic in the Grand Army of the Republic, which was allowed to commence under the signing of the Frank Creation Act. Originally, the clones were clad in yellow armor; however, Obi-Wan felt that they would be more intimidating in white, since it was his favorite color. The Kaminoans, decided to change the color of the armor to white, however, they stuck with yellow for commanders and pilots. Another aspect of the clones that made them uniqueness was their innate ability to communicate with each other across the galaxy through a form of telekinesis. This was brought about from their emotional attachment to each other, something the Kaminoans could not explain. Their emotional attachment also gave them the ability to speak at in unison at once, giving them a commanding presence on the battlefield. However, due to the delicate nature of the bondage, no one was allowed to touch them, which would leave them emotionally scarred for a long time. One instance was reported, which took years of intense psychiatric help to fix. The clones made their first debut on Geonosis, when they stormed the arena where Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padmé Amidala were scheduled to be executed. They would later be the template which was used for the organization of the Domain Stormtroopers.