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- __NOWYSIWYG__ Graham is a powerful driver in Chestnut Canyon, he used to fall off a cliff.
- A sculpture with many nipples. It was designed to resemble artist Patricia Piccinini's depiction of what her ideal man would look like. Coincidentally, it also happened to be very durable and could survive car crashes. The media misinterpreted the Patricia's intentions and stated that this is what humans would look like if they were designed to survive car crashes. However, this is not the case; it was simply a personification of Patricia's wet dream that ended up being rather durable as a mistake. Screw you, media.
- Graham and his mother Eliza travelled from Atlanta to Dallas on the same bus as Grant Ward.
- thumb|Fähnrich Graham (2367) Fähnrich Graham dient im Jahre 2367 als Steuermann auf der USS Enterprise-D unter dem Kommando von Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Sie sitzt während der Mission Tarchannen III an der Conn. (TNG: ) Graham wurde von Mona Grudt gespielt und von Suzanne Vogdt synchronisiert.
- Graham is among the many robots who join Call-Me-Kenneth's revolution against the humans.
- Graham (aka Vinewood Zombie) is a minor character in Grand Theft Auto V, appearing as a soapboxer.
- [Source] Graham ist ein Fischer aus Erzdorf, einem Dorf in Velen. Er war der Geliebte von Graf Vserads Tochter Anabelle. Er erscheint in der Quest Ein Turm voller Ratten von Keira Metz.
- Graham is a Irish-Australian soldier. He is shot in the back of the head by a Chinese-Japanee sniper Kanzuo Haliji.
- Graham è il cartografo di cui ci parla il cacciatore Ratford nelle fasi iniziali del'avventura. Vive in una capanna sulla destra del cancello nord di Campo Vecchio Quando Diego parla all'Eroe del Test della fiducia, lo indirizza proprio da Graham per ottenere una cartina con indicata la strada per la Vecchia Miniera. Se si insiste su questo e lo si minaccia, egli darà all'Eroe la mappa gratis. Egli poi vende anche una Panoramica di Campo Vecchio e una Mappa della colonia, però incompleta, poiché non vi è rappresentata la zona dove vivono gli Orchi.
- Graham (グラハム, Gurahamu en japonais) est un hamster apparaissant comme villageois dans Animal Crossing: New Leaf et Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer. Sa carte Amiibo est également compatible avec le jeu Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival.
- Graham is a mysterious Dark Knight met by the Warriors of Darkness during the second chapter of Final Fantasy Dimensions.
- Graham is an NPC.
- Graham is the son of Eliza.
- Graham (también conocido como Zombie de Vinewood) es un personaje menor que aparece en Grand Theft Auto V. Se trata de un hombre disfrazado de zombie, el cual siempre está en la calle Vinewood Boulevard, en Vinewood.
- Graham might refer to:
* Graham (Crewman), male crewman assigned to the Enterprise-D
* Graham (Ensign), female ensign assigned to the Enterprise-D
* Graham (Lieutenant), script name of a conn officer assigned to the Enterprise-D Performers
* Gary Graham, a recurring guest actor on Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise
* Gerrit Graham, a guest actor on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager
- His friend hired a board of trustees to watch over his property until he wakes up. However, over the years, the board of trustees gained more and more money and power until they bought out the entire world. When Graham awoke, he found himself the ruler of the world in the year 2100. ("When the Sleeper Wakes")
- <default><i>Unknown</i></default> Played byUnknown Years activeUnknown Travelled withUnknown First storyUnknown Last storyUnknown Previous CompanionUnknown Next CompanionUnknown aka the Bradley Walsh companion.
- Space Marshall Graham is the supreme commander of the Galaxy Alliance.
- Graham is a resident of Newarre and regular patron of the Waystone Inn.
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- Graham, auch bekannt als der Vinewood Zombie, ist ein Charakter, ein Cosplayer und ein Student aus Grand Theft Auto V. Er ist ein junger Mann, der als Zombie verkleidet und geschminkt am Vinewood Boulevard, Los Santos seine Rolle mit verstellter Stimme spielt, um womöglich Geld zu verdienen. Laut eigener Aussage ist er sehr einsam und betont mehrmals, dass er auf Lifeinvader und Bleeter ist. Graham studiert auf dem College das Fach Philosophie. Er sollte wohl Jura studieren und bezeichnet dieses Fach als „Scheiß“. Er wird während der Arbeit von seiner Mutter angerufen, die sein Hobby/seine Arbeit wohl nicht unterstützt. Er kann wie jeder Passant auch normal reden, wenn einer der Protagonisten ihn anspricht.
- [SASF Agent] Captain Graham is a member of N.E.S.T. and the British military (22 SAS).
- Graham ist ein Nebencharakter aus Professor Layton und die verlorene Zukunft. Er befindet sich in der Nähe der Themse im London der Zukunft.
- Graham is a CIA Marine, and was part of the squad led by Captain Stiles which was searching for Selena.
- Graham was a male Human Moff of the Sith Empire living during the Galactic War. In 3641 BBY he and Moff Dolus were invited by a fellow Moff Valion Pyron to observe the testing of the Silencer on the Harrower-class dreadnought Doombringer. When Pyron introduces Lord Kallig as the one responsible for the completion of the Silencer, Graham voiced his annoyance of Dark Council member Darth Thanaton. Before the testing, Captain Joris of Darth Achelon's flagship Carnage requested aid and Graham suggested to destroy Achelon. After the successful testing of the Silencer, Graham agreed to support Kallig.
- Graham was an inmate in Butcher Bay Correctional Facility. He worked in the mines and was asked by Jagger Valance to wait for Riddick and give him a message. The message was that Riddick should put the package he got from Jupiter into the cave, and that Jagger was already near Spaceport.
- Graham is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. He could usually be found near the river Thames. Parrot stole his diamond cufflinks from him on one occasion, though he got it back with the help of both Luke and Future Luke. He claimed to be a true gentlemen, and said that if Luke kept up with what he was doing he too would be a true gentlemen. Graham also had an apparent business arrangement with Belle as well. Graham was found earlier on in the game on the way into Chinatown by the River Thames on the hill.
- Graham is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.
- Graham – postać, występująca w Gothic. Jest to zręczny kopacz mieszkający w Starym Obozie.
- This article is about charcter from Thunderbolt. For the the character from 00 see Graham Aker. Graham (グラハム Graham?) is a fictional character the manga Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt.
- Graham is one of the Gym Leaders in Pokemon Genesis. He uses Grass-Type Pokemon and hands out the Botany Badge to those who defeat him.
- Graham is werewolf working as security at Guilty Pleasures or the Circus. He is of japanese and nordic ancestry and is six feet tall, muscled with broad shoulders and has black hair and brown eyes. Graham wants to be in Anita's bed, if only as food for the ardeur, and wears a red shirt while working as security at the Circus. He has a good relationship with his parents, being the only lycanthropes to have his parents visit his place of work.
- [Source] Graham is a minor character in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. He is a fisherman living in Oreton, a village located in northern Velen.
- Graham es uno de los principales habitantes de Harvest Moon: My Little Shop. Originario de Ciudad Trébol, Graham es el abuelo del jugador principal. Él dirige la granja en la ciudad, pero necesita tu ayuda en la granja debido a su edad. Tu personaje va a vivir en la granja con Graham y tu abuela Sharon.
- Graham (Tony Maudsley) was an alleged vampire fan of Mitchell's, who came to the hospital to learn from his 'hero', deliberately dressing and styling his hair to match Mitchell despite being significantly overweight. Although he initially tried to subtly blackmail Mitchell to let him stay by threatening to reveal his role in the Box Tunnel 20 massacre to Annie, Mitchell eventually threw him out when he began to flirt with her, denouncing Graham as a pathetic wannabe with no friends or personality of his own. Attempting to get revenge, Graham set out to stage his own train massacre, resolving to be the new vampire 'legend'. Although slightly sorry for Graham after he admitted that he killed his own children after his transformation, Mitchell staked Graham in order to stop him hurting anyone
- As a knight Sir Graham allegedly was a cross dresser. He once witnessed a strange object land in Castle Daventry's moat. He discovered it was a strange metal object after the moat drained. This object was an escape pod containing Roger Wilco. Roger barely remembers the event but seems to recall it involved pressing a button, marked "Don't Touch". He discussed this event while trapped playing card games with Graham and his daughter, Rosella. Upon noticing King's Quest XXXXVIII, Roger thought "oh gee, give it up, Sierra. Give that poor old king a rest."
- Garham to kulinarny geniusz. Rozpoczął pracę w MDC jako kucharz. Oliwka zakochała się w nim od pierwszego wejrzenia. Chłopak dołącza do Instytutu z inicjatywy Oliwki. Z początku chciał zaserwować Skidmore jej ulubioną zupę rybną Bouillabaisse. Jednak kiedy dyrektorka ją spróbowała, była tak zachwycona, że zrobiła backflip, co doprowadziło do tego, że kobieta trafiła do szpitala, a podczas jej nieobecności jego dziewczyna Oliwka zapisała Grahama do Instytutu. Wszystkie przybory Chyny usuwa, żeby zrobić miejsce na kącik kulinarny. W futerale na skrzypce smaży łososia, a z pomieszczenia nagrań robi chłodnię mięs.
- Graham – postać występująca w Grand Theft Auto V. Spotykamy go w przypadkowym zdarzeniu w Centrum Vinewood w Los Santos. Można z nim rozmawiać każdym protagonistą, ale każda rozmowa będzie przebiegać w inny sposób:
- Graham (first name unknown) was the President of the United States of America from at least the years 2002-2004. His only known relative is his daughter, Ashley. Ashley was kidnapped by agents of the Spanish cult Los Iluminados using intel supplied by Jack Krauser, a soldier formerly attached to USSOCOM. Los Iluminados planned to inject her with Las Plagas eggs and return her home once the parasite had taken over her mind, as part of a broader plot to turn her father into a host. However, American contacts in Spain reported seeing Ashley, and government agent Leon S. Kennedy was dispatched to the area on a rescue mission, successfully managing to dismantle the leadership of Los Iluminados, remove the Plagas from Ashley's body (and his own), and safely escort Ashley out of the area and back
- Graham was born into his native land of Daventry, and raised as the third generation of valiant knights in the kingdom. Although his family did not stretch very far back into Daventry's history, several were defenders of Daventry; his grandfather was a great hero of renown, who defeated the Dragon of Herenna, and his father, Hereward, was a nobleman and the best friend of King Edward. He greatly admired his father. His birth was blessed event, and he received a Fairy Godmother who watched over him as he grew up. Graham enjoyed doing most things young kids would do, such as climbing trees or climbing on rocks.