| - "An alien race from a distant star, intent on colonizing the moon. The Greys we've seen on the Moon are apparently part of a reconnaissance team that found its climate so agreeable that they've refused to return. They don't take kindly to foreign presences within their territory and will mercilessly attack without warning. They seem to specialize with different weaponry, making them unpredictable opponents."
- Greys are aliens held by the military at Area 66 and forced to compete in the Deathwatch game against their will.
- Grey is an altered chimpanzee and a follower of Koba who assists in the bonobo's plans to annihilate the humans and to bring about a war. Grey is a member of the Ape Council as well as a soldier of the Ape Army.
- Grey is a member of the German Shepherd pack lead by Matheus.
- A mixture of black and white, has the powers of both, however, its no stronger than them, simply more capable.
- The Grey are the long rivals of the Pure Chimera mostly fighting battles in the Chimeran star system. They are known to be even more crueler than the Chimera, (however this is not comfirmed as fact as the intel documents are from human perspectives and understandings).
- Grey is Alice's friend.
- Grey is a cosmetic melee weapon mod in Fallout 4.
- Grey is an alien.
- Grey is an executive in Team Rocket.
- See Attas
- Grey aliens, popularized in mass media, are often considered the archetypal idea of an alien. Reported alien abductions often describe aliens with features similar to that as the Greys, and this popularity has lead to countless homages, parodies, and nods to the idea of grey-skinned alien visitors.
- Es el personaje masculino del juego Mega Man ZX Advent, es un niño Reploid y es el BioMatch del Modelo A.
* Sus caracteristicas en la pantalla de seleccion de personaje son: 1.
* Arma: Disparo Buster. 2.
* Ataque: ** 3.
* Fuego Rápido: *** Su primera aparición en el juego fue mientras estaba en: Lab. Misterioso cuando lo descubrieron unos hunters.
- One of the styles for pets and other items that NeoPets has is grey.
- thumb|Grey (2269) Grey ist eine Historikerin. 2269 ist sie Teil einer Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern, die damit beauftragt ist, Informationen über die Geschichte der Föderation zu sammeln. Dazu wird die Gruppe von der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) zum Planeten des Hüters der Ewigkeit begleitet, wo sie Daten über die Vergangenheit Orions in Erfahrung bringt. (TAS: ) Grey wurde von Majel Barrett gesprochen, ihre deutsche Stimme erhielt sie von Joseline Gassen (CIC-Version). In der ZDF-Version wurden ihre Szenen geschnitten.
- The Greys are one of the most ancient species in the known Universe. They were already traveling among the stars 2,000 years before Terrans and Vossks even went into space. Eventually the Greys developed into a vast intergalactic empire that covered half of the known Universe, but ultimately met its demise due to a mysterious disease. There are rumors that the Greys have been visiting and monitoring the Terrans for thousands of years and may have been indirectly responsible for giving them the necessary technology for space travel inadvertently.
- [Source] Grey (matricule CC-10/994) est un commandant clone de la Grande Armée de la République aux ordres de la maître Jedi Depa Billaba durant la Guerre des Clones.
- Grey or Gray in American English is a colour between black and white that's often is a bit dull. Shiny grey is called Silver and usually looks great. Grey areas are areas that are nebulous and uncertain, where we can't see clearly what's happening. Fog is grey, Rain clouds are grey.
- Grey is a robot who is among the three Vyram Dimensional group. Most occasions he would attempt to kill off the Jetmen. In his free time he is able to smoke, drink, and play the piano.
- Grey was a recurring character in the NBC series, The Blacklist.
- Grey is a colour almost specifically the same as cheesylicious gold.
- Grey (그레이) was a Regular who was assigned the Wave Controller position but later failed. She was one of the people who travelled in Koon's Manbarondenna in the first half of the Floor of test.
- Grey (グレイ Gurei?) is one of the playable characters in Mega Man ZX Advent. He is the Biomatch for Biometal Model A.
- Grey is a friend of Mack's who works for Dinoco. In WoC#1, it is revealed that Mack and Grey go way back; their father's had know each other. No other history is known as this time.
- Grey är en manlig Tau'ri och han är stationerad vid Stargate Command. Han och hans team hjälpte SG-1 med föra skadade Sheridan tillbaka till Jorden med några artefakter. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The Alliance") kategori:Amerikaner kategori:En-gång SG-1 karaktär kategori:Jorden militär personal kategori:Stargate Command personal
- Grey is an Einherjar from Valkyrie Profile. He is a Heavy Knight and can be recruited in Chapter 5 or 6.
- Grey is an altered chimpanzee and a follower of Koba who assists in the bonobo's plans to annihilate the humans and to bring about a war. Grey used to be a member of the Ape Council as well as a soldier of the Ape Army. He is now one of Koba's minions in the MYCUN universe.
- Grey is an Australopithecus. He was General Monger's third creature. His card winded up in Kauai. He activated when sunlight hit his card. He battled Chomp and lost. He was later revealed to be a 13 on the Power Scale. It is one of his three abilities. It is one of his three abilities. It is one of his three abilities. He has never won a battle.
- He is a gray blob that is the enemie of Rage and appears in Rage 1. Grey is like mud and he can shoot boulders at you, he is really dangerous!
- Grey was a Federation historian who participated in historical research expeditions using the Guardian of Forever on the time planet. In 2269, Grey, along with colleague Aleek-Om, studied data on the history of Orion, at the dawn of its civilization, and Vulcan, during the 2230s. (TAS: "Yesteryear")
- They worked with the Syndicate as part of the Project and were referred to as colonists until the Syndicate's demise in 1999.
- <default>Grey</default> Homeworld Powers Debut Greys are an incredibly intelligent species from Zeta Reticuli-1.
- Es un personaje secundario del Manga Fakémon Special. 1.
- Tier: 8-C | 7-B | 7-B | 6-B Name: Grey Origin: Id The Greatest Fusion Fantasy Gender: Male Age: At least in his mid-20s Classification: Human Swordfighter | Human Sword Master, Guardian of Laturne (Crown Prince of Anakullen Empire) Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master swordsman Speed: Superhuman+ to Hypersonic+ (Managed to keep up with a relaxed Chun Hwa) | Possibly Massively Hypersonic (Blocked an attack from an Artifact Sword Master albeit barely) | Massively Hypersonic with Centerhead | Massively Hypersonic+ (Easily outpaced both Bellephor and Procas)
- The Greys are an alleged form of extraterrestrial life associated with abductions. They are short, slim, hairless humanoid beings with large bolbous heads and black almond-shaped eyes. Their name is derived from their primary skin color, although they have been also described as grey-blue or grey-green.
- In Ultima I, basic items could be bought there, as well as a shuttle. In Ultima III, the town of Grey was noteworthy for having an extremely accessible Guild of Thieves shop - located in the back of the pub.