| - {Friendly conversation} Some of it he found out in the wastes, but most of it comes from the salvage yard across the river.
- {Concerned / Concerned} He knows that salvage yard pretty well, but yeah, it's dangerous.
- {Certain, confident you're right} Because things used to be so much worse.
- {Friendly / Friendly} Well, it's been good talking to you. I'll see you around.
- {Concern} They've been getting closer lately. Probably scoping us out.
- {Unamused} That's very funny, but I'm being serious here. I might as well go barefoot for all the trouble these things cause me.
- If you wanted to be safe, you had to live near one of the bigger settlements, like Diamond City.
- {Concerned for your Father's safety} Ever since the Gunners moved in, he's been sneaking over there at night to steal from them.
- {Matter of fact} We got an extra shovel anywhere in the scrap?
- {A little annoyed, mom is nagging you} Even if I had time for something like that, which I don't, who'd be interested?
- {Angry, betrayed} Why'd you do it? Why'd you turn your back on us. on your family?
- {Rattling off a list of supplies you sell.} Well, not much, but I've got a few spare guns and some ammunition. Maybe a few meds and other general supplies.
- {Friendly / Friendly} I'm sure you're bored to death by now. Still, it was good talking to you. I hope I'll see you again.
- {Annoyed} Easy for you to say, you ain't wearin' 'em.
- {Tentative} There's something I've been wanting to ask you.
- I'll be around if you are looking to trade.
- Know where it is?
- Maybe. Jake's in pretty deep this time.
- {Reflecting on a difficult past} That's part of it, sure, but it's also true that things were pretty bad for awhile out here.
- We got enough caps to get me a new pair of boots?
- {Disapproving} If you ask me, living in the past is a waste of time.
- They've been at it for years, but this last time may have been the breaking point.
- {Hint of pride} So, the people banded together and fought hard to make the Commonwealth a safer place.
- Sorry, I know this isn't really your problem. I'll be around if you're looking to trade.
- It was more dangerous, too. There were some big raider gangs back then, and a lot more Feral Ghouls and Super Mutants than there are now.
- {Relieved} We've got it pretty good compared to those days.
- {Thoughtful} I think he's curious about the past, and he wants to hold on to it.
- {Annoyed} Yeah... I think it'd be faster to shovel dirt with my hands.
- {Confident} Yes sir.
- {Contempt} Mirelurk. Got to be.
- {Friendly, helpful} What do you say?
- {Relieved} That's all I need to hear.
- {Relieved} What? Jake's back? Oh thank god.
- {Sarcastic / Sarcastic} That's one way to put it.
- {Friendly, amused... start with a chuckle / Friendly} That makes two of us.
- {A little exasperated, your dad is a hoarder} Yeah, that's my dad's stuff.
- {Reminiscing a bit} My dad says there was a time when you couldn't grow much of anything out here. A farm like ours would have been impossible.
- Jake told us he was thinking about joining them. Said he'd send back supplies to us so Dad and Mom wouldn't have to work so hard.
- {Annoyed, dismissive, leave me alone} Janey. And she's too young for me. And Lucy Abernathy's only got eyes for Hawthorne in Diamond City.
- You can probably guess how well that went over with my Pa.
- {Angry but coming out of it} Yeah, well... we'll see.
- {Defeated, down} The women of the Commonwealth ain't exactly lining up to be farmer's wives.
- {Thoughtful} He says he collects all the scrap because he likes to tinker, but I think it's more than that.
- {Annoyed, dismissive} You're the one who's worried. I can't think past all the weeds I got to pull.
- {Relief... the past was bad, but things are better} We've got it pretty good now, at least compared to how it used to be.
- {Annoyed} The soles are coming off. Sometimes they flap so bad when I walk, it sounds like someone's clapping at me.
- {Surprised, disbelief} Then you must not be from the Commonwealth.
- {Trying to convince someone that does not believe you} No, it's true.
- The Forged moved into the ironworks not long ago and started recruiting. At first things were fine, but recently they've started raiding.
- {Angry} Yeah, well, don't expect everything to be the same as it was. I can't forget what you did. None of us can.
- {Annoyed} Doesn't it ever occur to you that all this junk isn't doing us any good if we can't find something when we need it?
- Sure, sorry. Just worried about my brother. If you end up at that old Ironworks, maybe try to keep an eye out for him?
- {Unsure if it's true, but you like the story anyway} At least that's how my father tells it.
- Yeah, I know. I'm just not sure Dad can forgive him this time.
| - Player Default: Well, it's been good talking to you. I'll see you around.
- Abraham: You just need to dig around a little. It's there somewhere.
- Abigail: One of these days, we need to find you a good woman, Daniel.
- Player Default: There's still time for them to work things out.
- Abraham: Not a clue.
- Abraham: Pretty sure we do, yeah.
- Daniel: At least that's how my father tells it.
- Player Default: There's no way things could be any worse than this.
- Abigail: Well maybe they're just showin' their appreciation for all the hard work you do.
- Jake: Go on, then.
- Jake: I know. One way or another, I'll earn your trust again. I swear it.
- Jake: It was wrong. I know that now, and I'm sorry.
- Player Default: That's not my problem.
- Player Default: That's one way to put it.
- Player Default: What happened between them?
- Player Default: What makes you say that?
- Player Default: Your father's pretty fearless.
- Abigail: I'm sure they've got another couple of months on 'em at least.