| - Race: elf Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 21, 24, 27 Hit points: 48, 71, 121 Attack bonus: +6/+1 /+6, +12/+7/+2/ +12/+7, +22/+17/+12/ +22/+17 Damage: level 11: d8 +3/ d8 +2 (2 longswords +2) level 18: d8 +4/ d8 +3 (2 longswords +3) level 26: d8 +7/ d8 +6 (2 longswords +5) Hit dice (level): 11, 18, 26 Challenge rating: 7, 11, 18 Size: medium Spell resistance: 20, 26, 30 Blueprint:(‡) x2_mephdrow001 to x2_mephdrow003
| - ambidexterity, armor proficiency (light), dodge, evasion, hardiness vs. enchantments, immunity to sleep, keen sense, lightning reflexes, low-light vision, monster uncanny reflex, skill affinity (listen), skill affinity (search), skill affinity (spot), sneak attack , two-weapon fighting, uncanny dodge II, weapon proficiency (elf), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (rogue)
- gained for the level 18 and above: improved evasion, improved two-weapon fighting, skill mastery, sneak attack , uncanny dodge V
- gained for the level 26: crippling strike, great strength III, improved critical , opportunist, slippery mind, sneak attack , uncanny dodge VI+, weapon focus
| - Race: elf Alignment: lawful evil Armor class: 21, 24, 27 Hit points: 48, 71, 121 Attack bonus: +6/+1 /+6, +12/+7/+2/ +12/+7, +22/+17/+12/ +22/+17 Damage: level 11: d8 +3/ d8 +2 (2 longswords +2) level 18: d8 +4/ d8 +3 (2 longswords +3) level 26: d8 +7/ d8 +6 (2 longswords +5) Hit dice (level): 11, 18, 26 Challenge rating: 7, 11, 18 Size: medium Spell resistance: 20, 26, 30 Trained skills:(‡) disable trap (13, 20, 28), discipline (9, 13, 22), hide (17, 25, 34), listen (16, 23, 31), move silently (17, 25, 34), open lock (18, 26, 35), spot (16, 23, 31), tumble (17, 25, 34) Feats: ambidexterity, armor proficiency (light), dodge, evasion, hardiness vs. enchantments, immunity to sleep, keen sense, lightning reflexes, low-light vision, monster uncanny reflex, skill affinity (listen), skill affinity (search), skill affinity (spot), sneak attack (+5d6), two-weapon fighting, uncanny dodge II, weapon proficiency (elf), weapon proficiency (martial), weapon proficiency (rogue) gained for the level 18 and above: improved evasion, improved two-weapon fighting, skill mastery, sneak attack (+8d6), uncanny dodge V gained for the level 26: crippling strike, great strength III, improved critical (longsword), opportunist, slippery mind, sneak attack (+10d6), uncanny dodge VI+, weapon focus (longsword) Blueprint:(‡) x2_mephdrow001 to x2_mephdrow003