| - Chief Branner tells his men that they are looking for a murder suspect by the name of "Eel" O'Brian - a slippery, hardened criminal. Plastic Man starts to get a little nervous, since he is Eel O'Brian, and swallows his wallet. Plastic Man volunteers for the case, but the chief says no because he has been unable to capture O'Brian after all these years. After serious pleading, the Chief agrees, but he is assigning a partner - Agent Morgan.
Plastic Man poses as Agent Morgan to fool the chief, but the real Agent Morgan shows up and she punches Plastic man in the face!
Later, the two try to work through the crime when a brick with a note crashes through the window. Agent Morgan and Plastic Man head to the abandoned Victorian Mansion, as instructed. Meanwhile, Woozy Winks decides that in order to be by Plastic Man's side, he needs to be a real super hero.
Morgan and Plas enter the mansion only to find it is a trap! Plastic Man quickly gets them out of it and they soon find his arch-nemesis, the Red Herring. After a short chase, the two capture Red Herring. Meanwhile, Woozy, aka "the Trouncer" is helping little old ladies from getting mugged - or are they mugging him?
Plastic Man and Agent Morgan bring the Red Herring in to the Chief, and as a joke, Morgan pours acetone on Plastic Man's seat. His bottom melts and the wallet he swallowed earlier falls out.
They examine the wallet and conclude that Plastic Man is Eel O'Brian and he is under arrest!