| - Lynn McGill was a high-ranking official at Division, sent to oversee operations at CTU Los Angeles during the Sentox nerve gas crisis on Day 5. High-strung and controlling, McGill had a reputation for firing most of his subordinates soon after taking command of a new office. As pressure mounted from the White House to stop the terrorists, he became increasingly erratic and paranoid of his employees' activities, eventually leading Audrey Raines and Curtis Manning to invoke Section 1.12 of the CTU charter and remove him from his post. Bill Buchanan, arrested earlier for defying Lynn's orders, was reinstated as director.
| - Lynn McGill was a high-ranking official at Division, sent to oversee operations at CTU Los Angeles during the Sentox nerve gas crisis on Day 5. High-strung and controlling, McGill had a reputation for firing most of his subordinates soon after taking command of a new office. As pressure mounted from the White House to stop the terrorists, he became increasingly erratic and paranoid of his employees' activities, eventually leading Audrey Raines and Curtis Manning to invoke Section 1.12 of the CTU charter and remove him from his post. Bill Buchanan, arrested earlier for defying Lynn's orders, was reinstated as director. During the afternoon, Lynn's key card was stolen by his sister Jenny and her boyfriend. Embarassed, McGill failed to report the theft of the card, which was later used by terrorist operative Ostroff to gain entrance to the building and release one of the Sentox canisters, killing 40% of the staff. In a last-ditch effort to flush the gas from the building, McGill left his secure room to unlock a nearby control panel, succumbing to the effects of the gas soon afterward. His action allowed Chloe O'Brian to restart the ventilation system and clear the air, ensuring no further loss of life among the survivors.