Mauser was the common name of a Earth arms manufacturer. Their designs were built for the German armed forces. Mausers were also a popular civilian firearm in the 20th and 21st centuries. Nazis were known for using Mausers. (ST reference: Star Trek Cookbook)
Mauser was born in Zion during the Sixth Matrix Resistance, and went on to become the mechanic technician of the Mjolnir.
Mauser was a male Zion born mechanic who once served aboard the Hover Mjolnir under Captain Roland. It was believed that he was killed during the Second Machine War, while Colt and Roland survived. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
Die Mauser C96 ist die Starterpistole in der Überlebenskampfkarte Origins aus Call of Duty: Black Ops II, die man mit thumb|Die Mauser C96dem Apocalypse-DLC erhalten kann. Laut einem Bild wurde sie von Dr. Ludvig Maxis am 5. Januar 1915 erfunden. Die Mauser ist der M1911 ziemlich ähnlich, sie feuert halb-automatisch, hat acht Kugeln im Magazin und macht selbst in den ersten Runden ziemlich wenig Schaden. Puncht man die Mauser, erhält man die Bummhilda. Diese hat Laserstrahlen ähnlich wie die Strahlenkanone Mark II, besitzt 50 Kugeln im Magazin und bekommt ein Visier.
Mauser était un fabricant d'armes à feu d'Avant-Guerre.
Mauser was a manufacturer of firearms. They made rifles used by the British Army in the Boer Wars. Mauser rifles were still used during the Spanish Civil War and Fitz Kreiner was given one to fight with. (PROSE: History 101)
Mauser is the common name of a German arms manufacturer, maker of a line of bolt-action rifles from the 1870s to present. Their designs were built for the German armed forces but have been exported and licensed to a number of countries since the later Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries, as well as being a popular civilian firearm.