The Temple of the Sun or Grail Temple was the location that housed the Holy Grail and the Grail Knight who protected it, built into the wall of the Canyon of the Crescent Moon in Hatay in the year 1000 around a pre-existing Greco-Roman facade by a secret society of Aramaic-speaking Semites.
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| - Temple of the Sun
- Temple of the sun
| - The Temple of the Sun or Grail Temple was the location that housed the Holy Grail and the Grail Knight who protected it, built into the wall of the Canyon of the Crescent Moon in Hatay in the year 1000 around a pre-existing Greco-Roman facade by a secret society of Aramaic-speaking Semites.
- The Temple of the Sun is the temple where the Mask of Eternity is kept, in the Realm of the Sun. It is also known as the Temple of the Mask of Eternity.
- The Temple of the Sun is an Inca temple built in the Andes Mountains of Peru. In Prisoners of the Sun, the Temple of the Sun is where Professor Calculus is taken upon being kidnapped for "sacrilege". Tintin and Captain Haddock follow their trail and, guided by the Peruvian boy, Zorrino, break into the Temple. The Temple of the Sun is also the location of the treasure which the Spanish Conquistadors searched for for a long time, in vain.
- the temple of the sun is a pre-mayan building constructed circa. ad.345 by the people of elderodo. it is a large temple-pyramid that bears resemblelance to the of the giant in the mayan city of tikal (circa 400-843 A.D.) similar in purpose to the teleacan seal temples, it contains one of the four artifacts that are neede to enter elderoado.
- Temple of the Sun may refer to:
* Temple of the Sun (episode), an episode of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
* Temple of the Sun (location), a location on Eternia that appears in the aforementioned episode, "The Great Books Mystery," and "Trouble's Middle Name."
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fr name
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es lore
| - Los monstruos boca arriba que controles que fueron Invocados de Modo Especial desde el Cementerio ganan 300 ATK.
el name
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Romaji Name
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hr name
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ja lore
| - このカードがフィールド上に存在する限り、自分フィールド上に表側表示で存在する墓地から特殊召喚された モンスターの攻撃力は300ポイントアップする。
it lore
| - I mostri scoperti che controlli che sono stati Evocati Specialmente dal Cimitero guadagnano 300 ATK.
pt name
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| - Face-up monsters you control that were Special Summoned from the Graveyard gain 300 ATK.
pt lore
| - Enquanto esta carta estiver virada para cima no campo, monstros virados para cima que você controla que foram Special Summoned do Cemitério ganham 300 de ATK.
it name
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stat change
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trans name
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ko lore
| - 이 카드가 필드 위에 존재하는 한, 자신 필드 위에 앞면 표시로 존재하는 묘지에서 특수 소환된 몬스터의 공격력은 300포인트 올린다.
de lore
| - Offene Monster, die du kontrollierst und die als Spezialbeschwörung vom Friedhof beschworen wurden, erhalten 300 ATK.
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related to archseries
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fr lore
| - Les monstres face recto que vous contrôlez qui ont été Invoqués Spécialement depuis le Cimetière gagnent 300 points d'ATK.
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wikipage disambiguates
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| - The Temple of the Sun or Grail Temple was the location that housed the Holy Grail and the Grail Knight who protected it, built into the wall of the Canyon of the Crescent Moon in Hatay in the year 1000 around a pre-existing Greco-Roman facade by a secret society of Aramaic-speaking Semites.
- The Temple of the Sun is the temple where the Mask of Eternity is kept, in the Realm of the Sun. It is also known as the Temple of the Mask of Eternity.
- The Temple of the Sun is an Inca temple built in the Andes Mountains of Peru. In Prisoners of the Sun, the Temple of the Sun is where Professor Calculus is taken upon being kidnapped for "sacrilege". Tintin and Captain Haddock follow their trail and, guided by the Peruvian boy, Zorrino, break into the Temple. The Temple of the Sun is also the location of the treasure which the Spanish Conquistadors searched for for a long time, in vain.
- the temple of the sun is a pre-mayan building constructed circa. ad.345 by the people of elderodo. it is a large temple-pyramid that bears resemblelance to the of the giant in the mayan city of tikal (circa 400-843 A.D.) similar in purpose to the teleacan seal temples, it contains one of the four artifacts that are neede to enter elderoado.
- Temple of the Sun may refer to:
* Temple of the Sun (episode), an episode of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
* Temple of the Sun (location), a location on Eternia that appears in the aforementioned episode, "The Great Books Mystery," and "Trouble's Middle Name."
is locations within
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