| - De Lambda-class Shuttle was een elegante en populaire Shuttle gebruikt door het Galactic Empire. Het model was zelfs zo gekend, dat het vaak als dé Imperial Shuttle werd aangeduid.
- The Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle, also known as the Imperial Shuttle, is a non-playable ship that appears in Fighter Squadron and as a prop in numerous maps (see Trivia) Its Rebel counterpart is the GR-75 Medium Transport.
- The Lambda class was one in a family of shuttles, all having a folding tri-wing pattern. It shared this with the Sentinel-class landing craft and its older cousin, the Theta-class. The Lambda-class was not meant for direct combat, so it did not carry the armament of the Sentinel. The Lambda-class did carry six laser cannons, however. Two pairs of these were mounted on the sides of the cockpit, while two more were mounted on an aft turret. The shuttle was heavilt shielded, and could be fitted with a cloaking device if deemed necessary.
- The Lambda-class T-4a Shuttle is a standard light utility craft heavily used by the Galactic Empire, but it also sees common use throughout the galaxy, particularly in militaries. It is based on a tri-wing design with a central stationary wing flanked by a pair of folding wings. When in flight position, the wing configuration resembles an inverted Y. When landing, the lower wings fold upwards.
- The Lambda-class T-4a shuttle was a standard light utility craft in common use throughout the Imperial military as a transport for troops and high-ranking individuals. The Lambda-class shuttle was based on a tri-wing design with a central stationary wing flanked by a pair of folding wings. When in flight position, the wing configuration resembled an inverted Y. When landing, the lower wings folded upwards.