| - Music is a magic of its own. Most humans can, in their short lives, only begin to scratch the surface of the magic of the soul that music represents. For the Aanan, however, magic is as simple as breathing. Very rarely (less than once a human generation) a settlement may give birth to a son or daughter that has a very special gift, and a curse: perfect pitch and superhuman hearing, coupled with total blindness. These Aanan are born to human parents and most go unrecognized for their whole lives unless a particularly learned person encounters them, or their bardic training leads them to discover signs of their own people, their ability to perceive the world around them put down to knowledge and experience. No one knows what causes this to occur, although many speculate it could be some form of Planetouched factor. Aanan can mate with humans and the children of such a union are perfectly normal humans. These offspring do not even breed true with another Aanan. There is no family that shows any inclination towards such births, in fact written records seldom go back far enough to record a second. There is no way short of divination magic, such as commune, of telling a blind human from a Aanan.