In the post-apocalyptic dystopia of the Neotubby Empire, the T-5001 transforms into its Final Form: a planet-sized robot that can shapeshift into an actual planet. Sensing that the end of the UnUniverse is approaching, the T-5001 travels back in time to before the UnWorld is created and physically becomes the UnWorld itself. Later, as the continents and seas form on its body, the T-5001 sends a single neuron onto its surface. There, the T-5001's Neuron adapts to its surrounding environment, shape-shifting into the T-5000. Thus, the cycle of the T-5001's life is complete.
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| - In the post-apocalyptic dystopia of the Neotubby Empire, the T-5001 transforms into its Final Form: a planet-sized robot that can shapeshift into an actual planet. Sensing that the end of the UnUniverse is approaching, the T-5001 travels back in time to before the UnWorld is created and physically becomes the UnWorld itself. Later, as the continents and seas form on its body, the T-5001 sends a single neuron onto its surface. There, the T-5001's Neuron adapts to its surrounding environment, shape-shifting into the T-5000. Thus, the cycle of the T-5001's life is complete.
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| - In the post-apocalyptic dystopia of the Neotubby Empire, the T-5001 transforms into its Final Form: a planet-sized robot that can shapeshift into an actual planet. Sensing that the end of the UnUniverse is approaching, the T-5001 travels back in time to before the UnWorld is created and physically becomes the UnWorld itself. Later, as the continents and seas form on its body, the T-5001 sends a single neuron onto its surface. There, the T-5001's Neuron adapts to its surrounding environment, shape-shifting into the T-5000. Thus, the cycle of the T-5001's life is complete.