| - Drave Nemen - Drave Nemen was born on the sole city of a small Island. The King of the island was named Leon, and forbade magic of any sort. In the City and outlying towns neither non-humans nor magic users were abided by. Drave was raised by his father, Glam, and his mother was never discussed. Glam Nemen was a merchant by trade, and he always put food on the table, even if he hadn't exactly traded enough to cover it. As city merchants go Glam wasn't the worst of them, but he had to follow certain practices just to keep up with the competition.
| - Drave Nemen - Drave Nemen was born on the sole city of a small Island. The King of the island was named Leon, and forbade magic of any sort. In the City and outlying towns neither non-humans nor magic users were abided by. Drave was raised by his father, Glam, and his mother was never discussed. Glam Nemen was a merchant by trade, and he always put food on the table, even if he hadn't exactly traded enough to cover it. As city merchants go Glam wasn't the worst of them, but he had to follow certain practices just to keep up with the competition. So as soon as Drave was old enough he was inducted into the art of making ends meet by any means necessary. Drave often posed as a young customer looking at wares next to the rest of the crowd, the better to encourage spending at the "right" times, or removing their ability to spend whenever they approached a competing vendor. In his teen years Drave left the cramped living space he had shared with his father and lived the fanciful life of an unmarked street thief. He was living the high life quite literally, sleeping on rooftops and eating as well as he pleased. Finally on one unfortunate occasion Drave prodded the wrong pocket and was introduced to the city guard. He escaped and fled to his father, who was unable to shelter him. In the end he had to flee once more, unwittingly sacrificing his father’s freedom to make his clean escape. He fled the human section of the island, believing himself to be safe from the law if he took refuge in the forest. A Stroke of unfortunate timing, for the elves began marching in open war upon the Humans and King Leon that very week. Forced to choose, he allied himself with the elves and participated in the attack. He managed to actually sneak himself and a small strike force into the castle and confronted the King. In the battle he stabbed King Leon with a poisoned dagger, but Leon singlehandedly killed the entire strike force, and beheaded Drave. Drave died before he could see if Leon succumbed to the poison. Leon’s Fate is still unknown to him.