| - I wake up to darkness all around me. It’s cold and chilling for the moment I first experience it, but soon, it passes. Slowly, almost lethargically, my eyes adjust to the ceiling, with a fan suspended in a state of stasis. Why darkness appears as a dark blue, I’ve no idea. As that thought passes through my mind, the ceiling changes colors. It’s green now. It’s yellow now. Jubilation pierces my heart, although I’ve nothing to be happy for in this context. I realize that when the color changes, my mood changes with it. The fan starts a slow, creaky rotation. I become annoyed, as I am still chilly.
| - I wake up to darkness all around me. It’s cold and chilling for the moment I first experience it, but soon, it passes. Slowly, almost lethargically, my eyes adjust to the ceiling, with a fan suspended in a state of stasis. Why darkness appears as a dark blue, I’ve no idea. As that thought passes through my mind, the ceiling changes colors. It’s green now. Suddenly, the chill returns, but transmogrifies into a sense of euphoria. Believing myself to be a having a vivid dream, I attempt to change the colors with a thought, but to no avail, as the mossy filter penetrates my mind as I think of other hues. I, instead, wish it away. It’s yellow now. Jubilation pierces my heart, although I’ve nothing to be happy for in this context. I realize that when the color changes, my mood changes with it. The fan starts a slow, creaky rotation. I become annoyed, as I am still chilly. It’s red now. I wish suddenly it didn’t change, as I am filled with a fierce, uncontrollable anger. A sharp yell escapes me and I rip upwards from the bed, gripping the spinning blades and pulling it down. It’s a rainbow now. Suddenly, a cacophony of emotions jolts me instantaneously, as painfully as a cluster of bees swarms its attacker. I become unable to move and fall onto the bed. The fan dangles helplessly. I notice the angle in which it points in, and try to use every muscle I can to get out of its way, to no avail. The cable connecting the fan to the ceiling snaps. It’s blue now. The tip of a fan blade crunches down on my throat, causing me to gag, rendering me unable to breathe. I find myself able to move and I shoot up, but I recall that I’m in a dream. I try to wake up as ink fills my retinas. It’s black now. I’m not asleep.