| - Prussian armed forces personnel display rank insignia on shoulder boards or shoulder loops on service, semidress, and parade uniforms, and subdued sleeve insignia midway between the shoulder and elbow on the left sleeve of the field uniform, coveralls, or other special uniforms. General officer rank is denoted by five-pointed silver stars mounted on a gold and silver braided shoulder cord set on a bright red base. All other officers and NCOs wear a four-pointed star.
* ¹ - General der ..... is not a rank but the appointment title of the head of a branch of service in the German Army.
* ² - Rittmeister/Stabsrittmeister in cavalry, artillery and transport. Captains who succesfully complete the General Staff Course at the War Academy are automatically promoted to Stabshauptmann/Stabsrittmeister.
* ³ - In Cavalry, artillery and transport the rank is Wachtmeister.
* ⁴ - Soldat is a generic term. Actual ranks are Musketier (Musketeer) Infantry, Reiter (Trooper) Cavalry, Kanonier (Gunner) Artillery, Pionier (Sapper) Combat Engineers, Funker (Radioman) Signals, Unterwachtmeister (Police Officer) Reichspolizei, Kraftfahrer (Driver) Transport, Sanitätssoldat (Medical Soldier) Medical.