Parthian Tactics is a technology in Age of Empires II: The Conquerors that can be researched at the Archery Range once the Imperial Age is reached. Once researched, it improves Cavalry Archers, increasing their armor by +1/+2 and giving them an attack bonus of +4 against Pikemen. Note that it also applies to the Mongol and Indian unique units, the Mangudai and the Elephant Archer, respectively, but the attack bonus against Pikemen is only +2 in their case. Additionally, note that although many Cavalry Archer technologies and bonuses apply to Genitours, this technology does not.
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| - Parthian Tactics is a technology in Age of Empires II: The Conquerors that can be researched at the Archery Range once the Imperial Age is reached. Once researched, it improves Cavalry Archers, increasing their armor by +1/+2 and giving them an attack bonus of +4 against Pikemen. Note that it also applies to the Mongol and Indian unique units, the Mangudai and the Elephant Archer, respectively, but the attack bonus against Pikemen is only +2 in their case. Additionally, note that although many Cavalry Archer technologies and bonuses apply to Genitours, this technology does not.
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| - Cavalry Archer armor +1/+2, attack bonus of +4 against Pikemen
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| - Parthian Tactics is a technology in Age of Empires II: The Conquerors that can be researched at the Archery Range once the Imperial Age is reached. Once researched, it improves Cavalry Archers, increasing their armor by +1/+2 and giving them an attack bonus of +4 against Pikemen. Note that it also applies to the Mongol and Indian unique units, the Mangudai and the Elephant Archer, respectively, but the attack bonus against Pikemen is only +2 in their case. Additionally, note that although many Cavalry Archer technologies and bonuses apply to Genitours, this technology does not.