| - thumb|400px|Een speler die in de fight cave vecht De TzHaar Fight Cave is een mini game waarbij spelers tegen verschillende monsters moeten vechten in bepaalde rondes. De bedoeling is om één van de sterkste monsters, TzTok-Jad, te verslaan en de Fire cape te winnen. Dit is een veilige mini game waarbij je geen spullen verliest als je dood gaat. Je zult wel arrows of runes verliezen als je ze gebruikt in de gevechten. Als je dood gaat, krijg je nog altijd een beloning; Dat zijn namelijk Tokkuls, de coins van de vulkaan stad. Veel sterke spelers, met boven de 100 combat, spelen deze Minigame. Soms zie je een minder sterke speler, die weet dat hij de Minigame niet doorstaat, maar die doet het dan voor de Tokkuls.
- Deep under the ground of Karamja, a new species of creature has been discovered. To find the entrance to this underground city, players must go into the Crandor and Karamja Dungeon. Once there, players will see a cave, which leads to Mor Ul Rek.
- In this Minigame, your goal is to defeat a high level monster called TzTok-Jad, therefore a high combat level is required along with decent gear. Prayers are allowed in this Minigame so it's still recommended that you bring food such as Rocktails
- The TzHaar Fight Cave is an advanced area in RuneScape introduced in October 2005. It is a Safe combat Activity in TzHaar City, which means if you die, you will retain all of your items. Up until this update, the Kalphite Queen had been the most powerful of all creatures within RuneScape. However, the introduction of the TzHaar Fight Cave created 2 monsters, the Level 702 TzTok-Jad and the Level 360 Ket-Zek, both of which are higher in level. However, the Kalphite Queen is widely regarded to be more difficult to defeat than the Level 702 TzTok-Jad, despite its lower combat level.
- Up until the release date of this minigame, the Kalphite Queen was the most powerful creature in RuneScape. The TzHaar Fight Cave introduced 2 higher-level monsters: TzTok-Jad and Ket-Zek, though the Kalphite Queen is widely regarded as more difficult to defeat than the Ket-Zek. TzTok-Jad was the strongest monster in the game for three years, until the release of the Corporeal beast. Many higher-levelled monsters have been released since, but TzTok-Jad is still one of the strongest monsters in terms of offensive powers, being able to one- or two-hit players. In February 2012 the Fight Kiln minigame was released, which introduced a stronger version of Jad: the TokHaar-Jad.
- TzHaar Fight cave on erikoinen laavaluola, jossa on erittäin paljon demoneita. TzHaar Fight Cave on edistyneempien pelaajien alue RuneScapessa. Alue esiteltiin lokakuussa 2005. Se on turvallinen combat minipeli, joka tarkoittaa sitä, että saat kaikki tavarat takaisin jos kuolet. Julkaisupäivään asti Kalphite queen (333-tasoinen) oli ollut RuneScapen voimakkain hirviö, mutta TzHaar Fight cavesin julkaisun jälkeen kaksi hirviötä olivat voimakkaampia: 702-tasoinen TzTok-Jad sekä 360-tasoinen Ket-Zek, joista kummatkin ovat Kalphite Queenia korkeampi tasoisia. Kuitenkin 333 tasoista Kalphite Queenia pidetään vaikeampana vastuksena kuin 360 tasoista Ket-Zekiä, Kalphite Queenin matalammasta tasosta huolimatta. Tämän jälkeen oli Nomadin julkaisu, joka on nykyään voimakkain hirviö, siitä huolimatta
- Ta minigra odbywa się w mieście TzHaar. Aby ją rozpocząć nalerzy wejść do tunelu obok banku w mieście.Trzeba pokonać 62 fale potworów coraz silniejszych.Oto ich opis: Tz-Kih- ma 22cmb 100lp i atakuje wyłącznie z meele jego max hit to 40 i wysysa jeden punkt prayera za każdym uderzeniem,najlepiej zabić je na początku. Tz-Kek- ma 45cmb 200 życia. Posługuje sie meele,a max hit ma 7. Posiada efekt rekoila i po pokonaniu go wyłażą z niego dwa mniejsze Tz-Keki bez rekoila po 100 hp a ich max hit to 40. Można z nich robić safe spoty. Tztok-Jad-finałowa walka. Jest trudny,a nawet bardzo. a oto fale 1 22
| - thumb|400px|Een speler die in de fight cave vecht De TzHaar Fight Cave is een mini game waarbij spelers tegen verschillende monsters moeten vechten in bepaalde rondes. De bedoeling is om één van de sterkste monsters, TzTok-Jad, te verslaan en de Fire cape te winnen. Dit is een veilige mini game waarbij je geen spullen verliest als je dood gaat. Je zult wel arrows of runes verliezen als je ze gebruikt in de gevechten. Als je dood gaat, krijg je nog altijd een beloning; Dat zijn namelijk Tokkuls, de coins van de vulkaan stad. Veel sterke spelers, met boven de 100 combat, spelen deze Minigame. Soms zie je een minder sterke speler, die weet dat hij de Minigame niet doorstaat, maar die doet het dan voor de Tokkuls.
- Ta minigra odbywa się w mieście TzHaar. Aby ją rozpocząć nalerzy wejść do tunelu obok banku w mieście.Trzeba pokonać 62 fale potworów coraz silniejszych.Oto ich opis: Tz-Kih- ma 22cmb 100lp i atakuje wyłącznie z meele jego max hit to 40 i wysysa jeden punkt prayera za każdym uderzeniem,najlepiej zabić je na początku. Tz-Kek- ma 45cmb 200 życia. Posługuje sie meele,a max hit ma 7. Posiada efekt rekoila i po pokonaniu go wyłażą z niego dwa mniejsze Tz-Keki bez rekoila po 100 hp a ich max hit to 40. Można z nich robić safe spoty. Następny to Tox-Xil który walczy rangedem i meele ma 90 cmb 400hp i jego max hit to 140. Najlepiej włączyć protect from ranged i atakować z dystansu. YT-Mejkot-Może leczyć siebie i innych. Najlepiej wziąść go na safe spot i atakować z rangeda. następny jest Ket-Zek który walczy i meele i magią. Ma 360 cmb 160hp i jego max hit to 49 i teraz ostatni TzTok-Jad ma 2500lp. Jego max hit to 98 ,a cmb to 702 i atakuje z rangeda meele i magii. (po utracie połowy hp przez jada pojawiają się jeszcze 4 Yt-HurKoty które go leczą.) Tztok-Jad-finałowa walka. Jest trudny,a nawet bardzo. Najlepsza strategia to atakowanie z rangeda i zmienianie prayer'ów. Oto wygląd ataków:thumb|Mapa fight caves Ranged- Podnosi przednie kończyny i uderza w ziemie,nie wydaje dzwięku. Magic- Uchyla głowę w dół i wydaje dźwięk fire-wavo podobny. 'M'eele- Będzie atakował automatycznie z meele jeśli do niego podejdziesz. a oto fale 1 22 2 22 22 3 45 4 45 22 5 45 45 6 90 7 90 22 8 90 22 22 9 90 44 10 90 45 22 11 90 45 22 22 12 90 45 45 13 90 90 14 180 15 180 22 16 180 22 22 17 180 45 18 180 45 22 19 180 45 22 22 20 180 45 45 21 180 90 22 180 90 22 23 180 90 22 22 24 180 90 45 25 180 90 45 22 26 180 90 45 22 22 27 180 90 45 45 28 180 90 90 29 180 180 30 360 31 360 22 32 360 22 22 33 360 45 34 360 45 22 35 360 45 22 22 36 360 45 45 37 360 90 38 360 90 22 39 360 90 22 22 40 360 90 45 41 360 90 45 22 42 360 90 45 22 22 43 360 90 45 45 44 360 90 90 45 360 180 46 360 180 22 47 360 180 22 22 49 360 180 45 50 360 180 45 22 51 360 180 45 22 22 52 360 180 45 45 53 360 180 90 54 360 180 90 22 55 360 180 90 22 22 56 360 180 90 45 57 360 180 90 45 22 58 360 180 90 45 22 22 59 360 180 90 45 45 60 360 180 90 90 61 360 180 180 62 360 360 63 702 i Yu-HurKoty(108) 75 ranged minimum. 70 defence, chyba że mamy postać pure. 70 constitution,przydatny,ale nie wymagany. Equipment: Pure: Głowa: God mitre Tors: Monk robe Nogi: Monk robe Broń: Rune c'bow,Magic shortbow,Crystal bow(2x full) Tarcza:Unholy book Buty:Ranger lub snakeskin Rękawice:Black d'hide vambs Amulet:Amulet of glory lub fury,god stole Peleryna:Ava's accumulator,Arodgune cape,skillcape (t) Amunicja:Broad bolts,diamond bolts (e) (jeśli c'bow), rune arrows. ,,Normalna postać: Głowa:Hełm of neitiznot, God coif. Tors:Black d'hide body,Karil top. Nogi:Prosylete legs,Verac skirt,D'hide chaps. Broń: Rune c'bow, Magic shortbow, Crystalbow (2X FULL),Karil x-bow. Tarcza:Fally shield 3,Unholy book. Buty:Ranger lub Snakeskin. Rękawice:RFD gloves,black d'hide vambs Amulet: of glory lub fury,stole. Peleryna: Ava's accumulator,Arodgune cape,skillcape (t) Amunicja:Broad bolts,diamond bolts (e),rune arrows, bolt racks. Zależnie od peleryny,ale jeśli z ava'accumulator to: 1k Broad bolts lub diamond (e) 1,5k Rune arrows 4k bolt rack. Rekomendowane inventory: 6 Saradomin brews Można wziąść dragon hallabarde,ale nie polecam. 300 purple sweets 1 Ranged potion Reszta super restore (można używać full guthan) Nagrody: Po pokonaniu tztok-jad otrzymujemy: bonusy fire cape: Slash:+1 Stab:+1 Crush:+1 Ranged:+1 Magic:+1 Slash:+11 Stab:+11 Crush:+11 Ranged:+11 Magic:+11 Summoning+11 Prayer:+2 Strength:+4 Kategoria:Minigry
- Up until the release date of this minigame, the Kalphite Queen was the most powerful creature in RuneScape. The TzHaar Fight Cave introduced 2 higher-level monsters: TzTok-Jad and Ket-Zek, though the Kalphite Queen is widely regarded as more difficult to defeat than the Ket-Zek. TzTok-Jad was the strongest monster in the game for three years, until the release of the Corporeal beast. Many higher-levelled monsters have been released since, but TzTok-Jad is still one of the strongest monsters in terms of offensive powers, being able to one- or two-hit players. In February 2012 the Fight Kiln minigame was released, which introduced a stronger version of Jad: the TokHaar-Jad. Playing this minigame until the end takes a considerable amount of time and resources; it can take anywhere from thirty minutes (with very strong gear and experience) to two and a half hours of continuous playing and a considerable number of potions depending on levels, supplies, and method. At 70-80 range, it can take from 90–120 minutes to complete; at 90+ Ranged it can take as little as just over an hour to get to TzTok-Jad; at 99 attack and strength, with the use of Overloads, turmoil and chaotic weaponry meleeing or the Storm of Armadyl the entire way, it can take 35–50 minutes to complete. Familiars and pets are banned from the fight caves. Logging out between waves can be done, but is risky. A good Internet connection is also very helpful, as lag in the Fight Cave at the wrong moment can be deadly. Playing on a world with a low ping value and playing on a low-populated world decrease the chance of lag.
- Deep under the ground of Karamja, a new species of creature has been discovered. To find the entrance to this underground city, players must go into the Crandor and Karamja Dungeon. Once there, players will see a cave, which leads to Mor Ul Rek.
- Up until the release date of this minigame, the Kalphite Queen was the most powerful creature in RuneScape. The TzHaar Fight Cave introduced 2 higher-level monsters: TzTok-Jad and Ket-Zek, though the Kalphite Queen is widely regarded as more difficult to defeat than the Ket-Zek. TzTok-Jad was the strongest monster in the game for three years, until the release of the Corporeal beast. Many higher-levelled monsters have been released since, but TzTok-Jad is still one of the strongest monsters in terms of offensive powers, being able to one- or two-hit players. In February 2012 the Fight Kiln minigame was released, which introduced a stronger version of Jad: the TokHaar-Jad. Playing this minigame until the end takes a considerable amount of time and resources; it can take anywhere from thirty minutes (with very strong gear and experience) to two and a half hours of continuous playing and a considerable number of potions depending on levels, supplies, and method. At 70-80 range, it can take from 90–120 minutes to complete; at 90+ Ranged it can take as little as just over an hour to get to TzTok-Jad; at 99 attack and strength, with the use of Overloads, Turmoil and chaotic weaponry meleeing, it can take 35–50 minutes to complete. Familiars and pets are banned from the fight caves. Logging out between waves can be done, but is risky. A good Internet connection is also very helpful, as lag in the Fight Cave at the wrong moment can be deadly. Playing on a world with a low ping value and playing on a low-populated world decrease the chance of lag.
- In this Minigame, your goal is to defeat a high level monster called TzTok-Jad, therefore a high combat level is required along with decent gear. Prayers are allowed in this Minigame so it's still recommended that you bring food such as Rocktails
- TzHaar Fight cave on erikoinen laavaluola, jossa on erittäin paljon demoneita. TzHaar Fight Cave on edistyneempien pelaajien alue RuneScapessa. Alue esiteltiin lokakuussa 2005. Se on turvallinen combat minipeli, joka tarkoittaa sitä, että saat kaikki tavarat takaisin jos kuolet. Julkaisupäivään asti Kalphite queen (333-tasoinen) oli ollut RuneScapen voimakkain hirviö, mutta TzHaar Fight cavesin julkaisun jälkeen kaksi hirviötä olivat voimakkaampia: 702-tasoinen TzTok-Jad sekä 360-tasoinen Ket-Zek, joista kummatkin ovat Kalphite Queenia korkeampi tasoisia. Kuitenkin 333 tasoista Kalphite Queenia pidetään vaikeampana vastuksena kuin 360 tasoista Ket-Zekiä, Kalphite Queenin matalammasta tasosta huolimatta. Tämän jälkeen oli Nomadin julkaisu, joka on nykyään voimakkain hirviö, siitä huolimatta, että sen taso on pienempi kuin Corporeal beastin.
- The TzHaar Fight Cave is an advanced area in RuneScape introduced in October 2005. It is a Safe combat Activity in TzHaar City, which means if you die, you will retain all of your items. Up until this update, the Kalphite Queen had been the most powerful of all creatures within RuneScape. However, the introduction of the TzHaar Fight Cave created 2 monsters, the Level 702 TzTok-Jad and the Level 360 Ket-Zek, both of which are higher in level. However, the Kalphite Queen is widely regarded to be more difficult to defeat than the Level 702 TzTok-Jad, despite its lower combat level.