The BF400 (formerly "BF-400") is a motorcycle featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Cunning Stunts update. It is manufactured by Nagasaki in GTA Online.
BF-400 - мотоцикл, який з'явився в GTA San Andreas.
BF-400 – motocykl występujący w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas i Grand Theft Auto V.
La BF-400 es una motocicleta que aparece únicamente en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas y en el modo online de Grand Theft Auto V.
The BF400 (formerly "BF-400") is a motorcycle featured in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas and Grand Theft Auto Online as part of the Cunning Stunts update. It is manufactured by Nagasaki in GTA Online.
BF-400 — мотоцикл, появившийся в Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas и Grand Theft Auto Online с выходом обновления «Люхачи и трюкачи». Производитель во вселенной HD — компания Nagasaki.
La BF-400 est une moto dans Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.