| - *Plant Anatomy: Rosa Pelton's body seems completely composed of plant matter, she has the combined anatomy of all plant life, including vampiric and carnivorous plants,allowing her superhuman strength and resistance to injury. She can also alter her shape, size and color. She is capable of mentally communicating with the Verdant Green, the psychic embodiment of Earth's biosphere.
:*Botanopathy: enables her to accelerate plant growth and manipulate plants telepathically, using roots to form supports, manipulating trees, vines and all other manner of flora to do her bidding. Her control over her powers are so great that she can resurrect herself from fatal wounds with plant-like healing.
:*Matter Transmutation: Rosa can turn inorganic matter into plant life.
*Photokinesis: Rosa Pelton can absorb light and manipulate it within her body and the space around her. Also she can see all parts of the spectrum.
:*Solar Energy Manipulation: Rosa can manipulate great amounts of solar energy for a number of destructive purposes. She is capable of generating great heat and light equal to a small sun.She can project beams of light powerful enough to pulverize boulders, or focus them to create laser beams that can instantly cut through objects.
:*Lunar Energy Manipulation: Rosa can manipulate lunar energy for a number of manipulative purposes.
::*Illusions: ability to create illusions to make herself seem to be invisible, look like someone else, or make others experience events that are not truly happening.
:*Invisibility: Her skin can generate fluctuating energy waves that bend light turning her completely invisible
:*teleportation: By using stored light energy Rosa can charge her particles, turning her into a being of pure light, allowing her to travel great distances instantaneously.
:*Light Detoxification: Rosa's energy can also 'purge' a person, removing toxins, drugs etc.
:*Calming Light: ability to send out a calming light that the target feels emotions and memories that make them at peace. It can even be used to break telepathic control.
::*Telepathic Immunity: the internal mechanism that allows Rosa to produce the calming light also protects her mind from telepathic intrusions.