Peckmon sind straußenähnliche Vogeldigimon mit langen, kräftigen Beinen und roten Haaren. Zudem tragen sie lilane Kleidung und einen gelben Schal. Sie können zwar fliegen, halten sich allerdings hauptsächlich auf dem Boden auf, da sie sehr schnell laufen können.
Peckmon is a red purple bird adult digimon.
Peckmon is a Bird Digimon whose name is derived from peck and whose design is derived from the ostrich (Struthio camelus) with ninja-based abilities. His main strengths in battle are his strong leg strength and unmatched speed. Although he flies well, he can run faster.
Peckmon is a character and a possible villain in Digimon Data Squad. He's also a minor villain in the Manga version of Digimon Xros Wars. He is another Digimon, just like Gatomon, to join the heroes' side.
Peckmon is an ostrich-like Digimon with ninja-based abilities. His main strengths in battle are his strong leg strength and unmatched speed. Although he flies well, he can run faster.
* Feather Shoot
* Surudoi Tsume
* Metal Star
* Cross Cutter