| - Prowl is quiet, competent, and very loyal, but perhaps his most valuable trait is his almost endless patience. Once Prowl is assigned a task, he will keep at it until it is accomplished. He works with proven facts, not imagination or guesses. If he has any doubts, he will radio Optimus Prime, his commander, before proceeding. He hates doubts in any form, and he strives to make everything he encounters reasonable and logical. He believes it only when he can explain it. On a personal level he is friendly, but not too sociable. He's a listener, not a talker, unless someone says something unreasonable. Then he will demand an explanation. He likes to use the Siege Tanks and their siege mode abilities and the GDI juggernauts long range attacks.
- Prowl runs a private security company when she is not busy saving the world.
- Prowl (or prowling) is the act of predation mostly used by animals.
- The most single-minded of all the Autobots, Prowl surprises - and sometimes dismays - others with the way he seizes a problem and refuses to let it go until it is solved. Prowl believes that there is a reason for all things. He struggles to understand the perspective even of his enemies, believing that if he can discern the logical underpinnings of the Decepticon cause, he can devise a strategy for final victory. Though he himself is often torn by emotions in conflict with his logic, he has difficulty understanding how others can be so ruled by feeling and instinct. Prowl believes that all creatures behave according to some complex arithmetic, and that if he could only work it out, the Autobots could bring peace to the universe.
- Prowl would keep at a task for as long as it took. Strove to find reason and logic in everything. Was a listener, not a talker. Had most sophisticated logic center of all Autobots. Was able to analyze and advise on complex combat situations almost instantaneously. Fired wire-guided missiles and high-corrosive acid pellets. The unexpected could often scramble his circuits.
- Prowl era un droide de exploración Prowler 1000 que en 25 DBY pertenecía a Finn Galfridian, príncipe de Artorias. Tras la Batalla de Artorias viajó con él al Praxeum Jedi de Yavin 4, y le acompañaba siempre en sesiones de entrenamiento. Estuvo a punto de ser destruido por un Tuk'ata, pero Jacen Solo le salvó. También ayudó a Finn en Nar Shaddaa, donde sirvió de cámara a distancia para su amo; y en el viaje de vuelta a Artorias ayudó a Finn a liberarse de los grutchins que atacaban su nave y disparó a Dulac antes de que el yuuzhan vong matase a Caled Galfridian.
- He is quiet, competent, and very loyal, but perhaps his most valuable trait is his almost endless patience. Once Prowl is assigned a task, he will keep at it until it is accomplished. He works with proven facts, not imagination or guesses. If he has any doubts, he will radio Optimus Prime, his commander, before proceeding. He hates doubts in any form, and he strives to make everything he encounters reasonable and logical. He believes it only when he can explain it. On a personal level he is friendly, but not too sociable. He's a listener, not a talker, unless someone says something unreasonable. Then he will demand an explanation.
- Prowl is an Autobot Cyber-Ninja from Transformers Animated. His weapon is Cyber-Ninja stars. He transforms into a police motorcycle. ===Animated Cartoon=== Originally a hot headed Autobot who protested the war, Prowl was sent to the Autobot stockade for draft dodging were it not for Circuit Su master Yoketron. In spite of Prowl's outlook, Yoketron explained that by saving Prowl he has done something for him, and then said that if Prowl can make it to the door without being caught hewas free to leave. After failing to leave, Prowl became Yokitron's student and mostly everything from him, save "processor over matter". Yoketron then explained to Prowl that the mission of the cyber ninjas is to protect a vault of Autobot protoforms, sending Prowl on an "optics quest" in the hopes of fully mast
- Prowl is an Autobot of many virtues - he is quiet, competent, loyal, and possessed of almost endless patience. When Optimus Prime appoints Prowl a task, he can be guaranteed that it will be completed to the best of Prowl's ability. Prowl is not given to speculation or estimation - the only realm in which he will work is that of the proven fact; if he cannot explain it, he will not believe it. He hates doubt, and strives to make a situation as simple and logical as possible, purging excesses of concern from his mind by going to Optimus Prime for assurance. Prowl is friendly, but only as a listener; as a talker, he is not so sociable, entering a conversation usually only when someone makes an unreasonable remark, and demanding an explanation.
- Among many of his fellow Autobots (and several Decepticons), Prowl was found dormant on the crashed Ark by Cobra and reprogrammed to serve them. He and Bluestreak were rebuilt to transform into Firebats in the process. When the Transformers were eventually freed from the humans' control, Prowl joined a team of Autobots that hunted down Cobra Commander, but failed to capture him as they were distracted by his S.N.A.K.E. guards. After taking out most of the mechs, the team witnessed Trailbreaker get decapitated by Storm Shadow, and descended upon the ninja in a fit of rage. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5 Prowl and Bluestreak were later seen fighting two Seekers in the sky when the SPS Satellite went out of control and sent energy beams raining down on Cobra Island. G.I. Joe vs. the Transfo
- Prowl was a Prowler 1000 exploration droid that belonged to Finn Galfridian as of 25 ABY. After the Battle of Artorias—an invasion of the planet Artorias, Galfridian's homeworld—the droid relocated to the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 with Galfridian. While there, Prowl typically watched his owner train until Galfridian, the Solo children, and Lowbacca investigated a cave where they heard a wounded animal. Prowl was used to investigate the interior of the cave and was confronted by a Tuk'ata, but Prowl managed to escape from harm when Jacen Solo calmed the creature. Prowl later accompanied Galfridian and the other Jedi trainees to Nar Shaddaa to help obtain information on a smuggler. After Han Solo temporarily deactivated Prowl, Galfridian utilized the link in his data goggles with the droid to
- Prowl merupakan salah satu anggota utama Autobots yang ikut pesawat rhe ark bersama Optimus Prime. Prowl terlihat sangat pendiam tetapi sangat pintar dan loyal kepada Optimus Prime. Ketika Optimus Prime menyuruhnya bertugas, Prowl pasti akan memberikan hasil yang memuaskan kepada Optimus. Kemampuannya adalah, ia dapat menganalisa situasi ketika bertarung dengan Decepticons, dan mengoptimalkan setiap senjata yang ia gunakan. Dalam mode robot ia memiliki sepasang kanon dan senjata pistol semi-otomatis. Ia dapat berubah menjadi sebuah mobil polisi Datsun Fairlady 280ZX.
- {| style="width:100%; background:#2a2a31; color:white; font-family:'Roboto';" |- |rowspan=4 style="width:150px;"|File:Panel.png |rowspan=4 style="width:60px;text-align:center;"|File:Panel.pngENERGYN/AKEYN/A |rowspan=4|ProwlNo description availible. |width=30% style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Strength:N/A |- |style="padding-right: 6px; border-bottom:1px solid white;"|Duration:N/A |- | style="padding-right: 6px;" |Range:N/A |} |} |} ru:Обыск
| - * Can be used to safely bypass most enemies.
* Can be used to maintain your energy levels through the constant theft of energy orbs.
*Rolling is actually a viable alternative to Sprinting, allowing you to move quickly without breaking your invisibility. Keep in mind, however, that if you press , , it will immediately deactivate Prowl.
*Combining Prowl with silenced, high-damage, single-shot weapons, or certain types of appropriately-modded melee weapons, can be an effective play style for higher level missions which require stealth.
**Some melee weapons well-suited for this method of hunting would be among the following:
***A Sword with the Crimson Dervish stance .
***A Hammer weapon with the Finishing Touch mod equipped. Hammers already have the highest damage multiplier for stealth finishers, so this mod makes it even more powerful: the damage-multiplier of hammers used for stealth-finishers goes from 2400% weapon damage to 3840% weapon damage.
***Any Dagger weapon with the Covert Lethality mod equipped.
*Firing a non-silent weapon will allow the use of the otherwise not permitted Maneuvers like Bullet Jumping during the brief uncloaked time window without deactivating Prowl.