| - When Ajira Airways Flight 316, some of the Oceanic 6 were sent back in time to 1977, except for Ben and Sun. Additionally, the planes pilot, Frank, and Ben, along with other passengers, didn't time travel.
* Because they've all met Widmore in the "present day." None of the other characters who had previously been on the Island had ever encountered Widmore face to face before. We've seen Ben, Locke and Sun in close quarters with Widmore, while Frank has referred to Widmore as his boss when hired as a chopper pilot, we can presume he had met Widmore before.
* It is very unlikely that Faraday had not met Widmore. Widmore funded his research and committed to taking care of Theresa Spencer afterward. It is almost certain that Dan had not only met Widmore but that he had a working relationship with him over the research he was doing.
* Um, Faraday wasn't on the Flight 316. We're discussing the reason why certain people on the plane stayed in the present timeline while others were transported to 1977. Daniel was (presumably) already there.
* Well Eloise Hawking did say that if they didn’t simulate the exact events then the transition of returning to the Island will be unpredictable, it could just be that those four were unlucky enough be left in the future.
* There is a rule. There can't be two instances of the same person at the same time on the island. There can't be two Charlotte's in 1974 and as they were about to get there, she bleed and died. There were moments with two of them at the same time during the time-jumps, Locke notices his other self is near in one of those flashes, right when he finds the hatch in 2004 the day Boone died and Desmond turns on the light from the inside, also Sawyer peeks while Claire gives birth helped by Kate in 2004, so his other-self must be near and definitely on the Island, this is why some of them start bleeding too. So they keep jumping in time without control until they settle in 1974 and then the rule of no repeated people stays. There can't be two Suns on the island in 1977 and that's the reason why she didn't go back in time. Baby Sun was on the island in 1977, I guess she's probably Dr. Pierre Chang's daughter.
* Pierre Chang is Chinese. Sun is Korean. There's kind of a difference ... and she wasn't born on the Island either.
* She is not Chang's offspring. Sun was born in 1980. Also, what evidence is there of the rule of "no repeated people"? Faraday made it evident that the nosebleeds definitely had something to do with how long a person has been exposed to the Island (which was confirmed when Charlotte revealed she used to live on the Island). Also, it created a UQ about Miles' previous life on the Island, which would hint at the possibility of him being the son of Pierre Chang. Never was there anything said about a rule for multiple instances of a person not being allowed on the Island. Even if this were true, why would this be a selective rule/law? Simply because they were traveling through time erratically? If that's the case, then why not say the rule of gravity stops working when erratic time travel occurs on the Island? The rule of "no repeated people" is pure speculation to help support a purely speculative theory.
* There is no rule that says that their can't be two instances of the same person at the same time. In the flash where Sawyer witnessed Kate delivering Aaron, there were two Sawyers in that timeline. There were also two Juliet's, and two Hurley's on the Island at that time as well.
* In Some Like It Hoth, Miles looks in on his father, Pierre Chang, reading to the earlier version of himself.
* Assume for a second the O6 never left the Island, like various people have said, they where never supposed to leave, so assuming they never left, think about where everyone would be if they never left the Island. Ben will have pushed the wheel causing the time jumps, Locke will have pushed the wheel to stop the time jumps, so Ben and Locke would have left the Island. Frank may have never gone to the Island in the first place. Sun however would be time traveling with the rest of the Losties, but because she was pregnant she would have died. So now fit that in with what actually happened. When they came back to the Island course correction stepped in and put everyone where they needed to be, Jack Kate and Hurley would be in the past, the rest would just crash as normal.
* The latest recap explained that the passengers ending up in different times was a result of not perfectly recreating Flight 815. It was a random outcome and had nothing to do with the specific people involved.
* That has some merit to it actually. Jack had Locke's body just like he had Christian's, Hurley had a guitar case just like Charlie, Sayid had someone escorting him to L.A. just like Kate and Marshal Mars, but Sun didn't have anything/anyone, and Ben and Frank weren't on Oceanic 815. However, it doesn't explain why Kate was transported with the others, as she didn't appear to have any kind of proxy.
* Sun had her husband's wedding ring, similar to Rose having Bernard's ring.
* When Michael came back to the beach, he had a list of five specific people he had to bring back with him in order to get Walt back: Sawyer, Sayid, Hurley, Kate, and Jack. Four of these five jumped back to 1977, and the other one (Sawyer) was already there.
* Actually, Sayid wasn't on Michael's list. He wanted to come, but Michael wouldn't let him.
* If we assume that Jin was the candidate and not Sun, then only candidates traveled to 1977. Everyone else (Frank, Ben, Sun, and other passengers) were not a candidate and so they did not travel.
* They all DID jump to 1977 (as indicated by the numbers heard in the cockpit), but only the remaining candidates on board stayed in 1977 and were teleported ("exited") down to the Island, while the rest of the people on the plane moved on to 2007. Please also note the night/day time difference in 2007 while they were approaching the Island.
* This is incorrect. The reason the voice was reciting the numbers in the cockpit was because Rousseau turned off her transmission so Jack could contact the freighter long before they came back to the island. Also, When Sun was trying to find Jin, Christian showed Sun the photo of the Dharma initiative with Kate, Jack and Hurley in it in 1977.