My-Otome (舞-乙HiME Mai-Otome?) is an anime series created by Sunrise, Inc. and directed by Masakazu Obara. It is a spinoff of My-HiME anime series and as such My-Otome takes place in a new setting with new main characters.
My-Otome (舞-乙HiME Mai-Otome?) is an anime series created by Sunrise, Inc. and directed by Masakazu Obara. It is a spinoff of My-HiME anime series and as such My-Otome takes place in a new setting with new main characters.
My-Otome(舞-乙HiMEMai-Otome) is an anime series created by Sunrise. Directed by Masakazu Obara and written by Hiroyuki Yoshino, it is a spinoff of My-HiME anime series and as such My-Otome takes place in a new setting with new main characters.