The Graveyard of the doomed is a small graveyard deep in the underground tunnels of Mount Sternum. Inside the graveyard are Skeletons, Rats and Ghouls. Long time ago, it was a municipal Thais Graveyard. Some of graves are connected with Royal Archives, some - with Mount Sternum and Skjaar.
Some graves are connected to the Royal Archives, whereas others serve as hints for a quest or are nothing but jokes.
The Graveyard of the doomed es un pequeño graveyard en las profundidades de los tuneles de Mount Sternum. En el interior hay Skeletons, Rats and Ghouls. Hace mucho tiempo era el Thais Graveyard urbano. Algunas de las tumbas tienen conexión con Royal Archives, otros con Mount Sternum and Skjaar.
The Graveyard of the doomed is a small graveyard deep in the underground tunnels of Mount Sternum. Inside the graveyard are Skeletons, Rats and Ghouls. Long time ago, it was a municipal Thais Graveyard. Some of graves are connected with Royal Archives, some - with Mount Sternum and Skjaar.
Some graves are connected to the Royal Archives, whereas others serve as hints for a quest or are nothing but jokes.
The Graveyard of the doomed es un pequeño graveyard en las profundidades de los tuneles de Mount Sternum. En el interior hay Skeletons, Rats and Ghouls. Hace mucho tiempo era el Thais Graveyard urbano. Algunas de las tumbas tienen conexión con Royal Archives, otros con Mount Sternum and Skjaar.