| - Axis and Allies Pacific Variants (v1.1) - by BS - ICs & IPCs
* Remove the ICs from Hawaii (US) and Szechwan (US).
* The US income is reduced from 75 to 60 (55 West Coast, 2 Hawaii, 3 Philippines).
* Britain does not receive any convoy income at all.
* China receives 2 IPCs each turn at the same time as the US (1 Szechwan, 1 Sikang). China may construct infantry only.
* Chinese infantry are only 2 IPCs each (this allows China to build a minimum of 1 infantry each turn without US or British aid, which Japan can prevent).
* Chinese artillery units only costs 3 IPCs. The starting incomes are:
* Japan - 19
* China - 2
* US - 60 (drop of 15)
* India - 15
* Australa - 20 No British convoy IPCs IPC Loans If the Burma Road is open, the US may loan China 10 IPCs per turn (maximum) during combat movement. These are then available to China on the preceeding turn. Britain may loan 5 IPCs per turn (maximum) to China, by designating 1 bomber based in India to this task. This occurs during combat movement as well. 1 die is rolled, and on a roll of "1" the bomber (and IPCs) are lost (this is to reflect the treacherous Himalayas). Otherwise, these IPCs become available to China on the preceeding turn. Air Units Air units only receive the bonuses to air movement from air bases during non combat movement (the same as naval units).
* Bombers cannot attack ships.
* Carrier-based fighters (only) have a first-strike capacity similar to submarines. This applies only to naval battles. Carrier-based fighters lose their first-strike capability if an enemy carrier is present (similar to destroyers vs. submarine attacks). Like subs, they may also withdraw from combat - but also only after 1 round of defensive fire. Naval Units
* Submarines can attack other submarines. They cannot block the movement of naval units, but they can submerge after incurring 1 round of defensive fire. Subs have to endure 1 round of enemy fire before submerging (this means 2 attack rounds if conducting a sneak attack). NOTE: First suggested by Bismark. NOTE: The restrictions on unit construction in Australia have been removed (they never really have enough IPcs to seriously consider these larger purchases anyway). Strategic Warfare In the same manner as bombers conduct strategic bombing raids on ICs, submarines may also be deployed for strategic warfare against enemy shipping. The application sea zones (and limits) are as follows:
* US: SeaZone 6 (5 IPCs) and SeaZone 5 (10 IPCs)
* Australia: SeaZone 15 (5 IPCs)
* India: SeaZone 25 (4 IPCs) and SeaZone 49 (3 IPcs)
* Japan: SeaZone 36, SeaZone 37 and SeaZone 45 (unlimited). To conduct strategic warfare, a sub must begin or move into one of the afore-mentioned zones during the combat phase. Only enemy destroyers and carriers present may oppose this. Each defending destroyer and carrier rolls 1 die. Each roll of "2" or lower scores a hit and is noted. Each attacking submarine returns fire by rolling one dice each. Each roll of "1" scores a hit, and the defender removes one of the naval units of his choice. The attacker then removes his casulaties. Any remaining submarines roll 1 die each. The total rolled is the amount of IPCs the defender must remove immediately. For every full 10 IPCs Japan loses to strategic warfare (bombing and submarines), it loses 1 VP. V ariants The Axis and Allies can each agree to draw 1 or more of the following (random) variants. Variants are kept secret and not revealed until the desired effect becomes applicable. Axis Variants
* Fortifications. Japanese infantry in Island territories (only) defend at 3.
* Panama Canal. Japan cripples the Panama Canal. US naval units now take 2 turns to appear on the board. Play at the start of any Axis turn (negates Allied variant #2).
* Human Torpedoes. Japanese submarines now attack at 3.
* Occupation. Japan may build 1 (maximum) infantry unit in any vacant Indian or Chinese territory per turn.
* Jets. Japanese fighters defend at 5 during normal combat, and at 3 against strategic bombing.
* Rockets. Japan receives an additional 6 Kamikaze attacks, and the Kamikaze attack roll is increased to 3. Allied Variants
* Codebreaking. Allied intelligence negates the first-strike capability of any carrier-based Japanese fighters.
* Flexible Deployment. Allied naval units may initially deploy to (US) Hawaii or Line Islands; (Britain) New South Wales (US naval deployment is negated by Axis variant #2).
* Super Carriers. US carriers may base up to 3 fighter units. Like battleships, US carriers now take 2 hits to sink.
* Fortresses. Units in Hong Kong and Malaya defend at 4, and are impervious to Japan's first-turn attack bonus.
* Heavy Bombers. Allied bombers have a range of 8, and roll two dice per attack.
* Atomic Bomb. Once the Japanese income level drops below 10, the US may use 1 atomic bomb against any Japanese territory. One die is rolled, and the roll is the number of IPCs, land, air and naval units that are removed from that territory. This occurs during the combat phase, prior to any combat. Version 1.0
* In version 1.0 Chinese infantry and artillery cost the normal price.
* In version 1.0 submarines cannot attack other submarines.
* In version 1.0 carrier-based fighters do not lose their first-strike capability if an enemy carrier is present. They also are not allowed to withdraw.
* In version 1.0 the following rule was in effect: "Britain is restricted from producing battleships, carriers and bombers in Australia". This rule was dropped under version 1.1. This rule first appeared in Don Rae's Axis and Allies Pacific Forum July 16 2001.