Gold, without it, a pirate would be almost nothing. He/she wouldn't have a ship, jewelry, decent clothes, or File:Treasure1233.jpg weapons that make your enemies say WOW! But there's some point in the career of a pirate where he/she has an eye out for that shiny cutlass in the blacksmith's window, or that piece of garb that would make all your mates jealous. When the pirate decides to purchase one of those fine items, they can't- they are missing a very important item that every pirate needs. Gold. The feeling of an empty stomach and disappointment. But here are some very easy and effective ways to earn gold quickly so you can buy that piece of garb before the supply runs out!
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| - Game Tips: Earn Gold Quickly
| - Gold, without it, a pirate would be almost nothing. He/she wouldn't have a ship, jewelry, decent clothes, or File:Treasure1233.jpg weapons that make your enemies say WOW! But there's some point in the career of a pirate where he/she has an eye out for that shiny cutlass in the blacksmith's window, or that piece of garb that would make all your mates jealous. When the pirate decides to purchase one of those fine items, they can't- they are missing a very important item that every pirate needs. Gold. The feeling of an empty stomach and disappointment. But here are some very easy and effective ways to earn gold quickly so you can buy that piece of garb before the supply runs out!
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| - Gold, without it, a pirate would be almost nothing. He/she wouldn't have a ship, jewelry, decent clothes, or File:Treasure1233.jpg weapons that make your enemies say WOW! But there's some point in the career of a pirate where he/she has an eye out for that shiny cutlass in the blacksmith's window, or that piece of garb that would make all your mates jealous. When the pirate decides to purchase one of those fine items, they can't- they are missing a very important item that every pirate needs. Gold. The feeling of an empty stomach and disappointment. But here are some very easy and effective ways to earn gold quickly so you can buy that piece of garb before the supply runs out!