| - A common soap opera scenario: young couple Alice and Bob are very happy. But Vamp Dorothy, who wants Bob herself, "casually" mentions to Alice that Bob spent the night with her (when in fact they were simply both stranded in a blizzard with thirty other people). And of course, the woman never wonders why, if he was cheating on her, he'd just casually admit to it like that, being that he hasn't displayed Jerkass traits before. A form of Genre Blindness, with a giant, gooey Idiot Ball. Examples of You Know What You Did include:
| - A common soap opera scenario: young couple Alice and Bob are very happy. But Vamp Dorothy, who wants Bob herself, "casually" mentions to Alice that Bob spent the night with her (when in fact they were simply both stranded in a blizzard with thirty other people). Given a choice between believing her beloved, who has never lied but always been faithful and true, or believing the scheming bitch with a history of deceit and an obvious agenda, naturally our dumb heroine immediately accepts the worst of the story, and totally rejects her true love without even asking his side of it. When he pathetically asks why she's upset, she only says, "You know what you did!" with a side of Death Glare, thus cementing what should be a Discredited Trope, but, sadly, is not. At times the woman will ask the man some transparent question, such as, "Did you spend the night with Dorothy?" Unfortunately, the man doesn't actually get why she's asking, and in responding with detail-free answers - or answers with the wrong details ("Why, yes - we got a lot of exercise that night. Good thing, 'cuz I was getting pretty cold.") - merely confirms the woman's fears. The woman, of course, never asks clarifying questions that would resolve the matter, and the man never picks up on the fact that he needs to clarify because he does not speak nonverbal - in fact, sometimes he'll believe that the woman knows exactly what's going on to begin with, hence the lack of necessary detail. And of course, the woman never wonders why, if he was cheating on her, he'd just casually admit to it like that, being that he hasn't displayed Jerkass traits before. A form of Genre Blindness, with a giant, gooey Idiot Ball. Examples of You Know What You Did include: