Quest Text
| - I need a present to give to the head of the armoury to show my gratitude but it requires kelbi horns which is something I don't have, can you go get some?
- The young in our cattle are at risk. That damn Giadrome has been pulling off raids into our villages to get to them and I don't think human children are off the menu, take out the leader before the nuisance becomes a menace.
- The Formidable Velocidrome must be completed in order to unlock.
- We have a request to hunt down a Great Maccao that is causing trouble for the Wycademy our research team is working with. Anyone out there please take care of the beast and access to more challenging quests can be granted.
- Interested in gathering? Then look no further than this Quest,
brave Hunter. Gather as much as you like, then deliver a Paw
Pass Ticket from the Supply Box to return at any time.
- Rain, rain and rain as per usual in the Marshlands, though me and others have started to notice purple coloured clouds and water randomly scattered around. The moment I saw the Wroggi pack, I knew who was responsible, take out the Great Wroggi or we're in for a large number of deceased people.
- Unlocks The Venomous Terror
- There was a recent accident involving a travelling merchant cart being attacked and rammed to the side. The merchants scattered and their location is unknown. Whatever caused the accident is whatever is in the mud... And its not something I can personally deal with myself, any help would be appreciated in dealing with the brute.
- I know many things about Gogomoa's. They are very good parents, their webbed hands can shoot webs to launch themselves across terrain and they're generally not very common outside the Tide Island region. Finding one here is incredibly bizarre and could pose a threat to the ecosystem, just imagine an Agnaktor in the Jungle? Yeah, it needs to be dealt with, perfect opportunity to fight a somewhat elusive monster so anyone gonna give it a shot?
- The Dreams are a Lie must be completed in order to unlock.
- The fascinating swinging fanged beast known as the Kecha Wacha has been spotted in the Ancestral Steppe: on the prowl for lunch. Perfect opportunity to nab the beast wouldn't you agree?
- The Blue Bear Beast must be completed in order to unlock.
- HELP! Jaggi's ran through the caverns in the Ancestral Steppe and now they're everywhere! Slay at-least 5 to keep them under control.. PLEASE?!
- Hmm, trying to find the Vespoid Queen to study her analytical behaviours, maybe if I killed..... NEVER MIND!!!!!! NO NEED FOR THAT!!!
- My daughter and son have grown tired of a Bulldrome that is roaming around out village, eating through our crops and even killing out cattle. They ventured out to face it without my knowledge! I fear the worst! Will anyone please take out the beast before they encounter it?
- The fireballer of the forest and hills has returned once more to wreak havoc, this ends now! Any hunters willing to volunteer to teach blasted bird a lesson?
- Unlocks Capture That Kut Ku
- I lately saw a pack of Ioprey in the Volcanic Belt. This is weird because if they're there, then they're co-existing with Wroggi.... Anyways just kill their leader.
- Thanks to the Tetsucabra running loose within the Jurassic Frontier, the Wycademy's research of the area has ground to a halt. If you could, we'd like you to rid us of it.
- Our boat! Our precious gorgeous boat!! Ruined!!! All ruined!! Because of that spongy monster. A new boat is in construction but I can't risk it destroyed again! Have that thing dealt with beforehand!
- Unlocks Spongy Battle
- The marshlands is ripe in freshwater if you avoid the poison puddles and the Rathian that patrols around at night, roaring loudly to alert distant inhabitants of her presence, now unlike the poison puddles, the Rathian can be dealt with which I'd really like to happen please?
- We appear to have a rampaging snow bunny on the loose, that is bad and I probably don't need to explain why, this request is open for hunters suited to fight the furry beast.
- As I cover myself in leaves, I become one with nature, only for a crab to disrupt me every time. The crab is big and isn't friendly to make it worse! Erase that intolerant crustacean!
- Nobody hates Gypceros, Nobody thinks that its natures greatest failure as a creation, Nobody thinks... You know what, I'm gonna bother, just friggin kill that freak!
- Rainy Day under Purple Clouds must be completed in order to unlock.
- One of the most disgusting monsters to exist has invaded the outskirts of our village and seems powerful enough to attack it if it wanted to. Quell the threat and you will gain access to more challenging requests.
- Interested in gathering? Then look no further than this Quest, brave Hunter. Gather as much as you like, then deliver a Paw Pass Ticket from the Supply Box to return at any time.
- An owl-like bird wyvern has been harassing travelling merchants alongside our research team. Take it out and you will gain access to tougher requests.
- I like omelettes, they taste real good, especially the wyvern ones, I'd like you to get one for me please... P.S Some villagers are speaking of a primordial scavenger on the prowl, whether its true or not, still watch yourself.
- A Velocidrome is causing havoc in our village, the damage so far is minor but it could stack to the point of it harming or children. Any hunters willing to draw their sword against the Velociprey leader?
- Unlocks The Carnivorous Leader
- We've usually never had a problem with Cephalos as they've always minded their own business. That all changed when their leader invaded the region. Our cattle have been decreasing in numbers and some farmers are already deceased, my husband is still out there, probably trying to hide away from its pack, someone DO SOMETHING!
- There is no more use of using time productively than gathering materials in the field. Bring me... 5 Unique Ferns... Just because.
- That Qurupeco can kindly walk into the end of the world and never return!! That thing already causes trouble on its but with a Kut Ku buddy on its side...... Will someone just end that lowlife feathered unfabulous freak?!!
- Nobody hates Maccao's, Nobody thinks they should be castrated into non-existence, Nobody thinks they should be casually slaughtered. My friends call me Mr Nobody for my solitary behaviour... Sincerely remove those pests please?
- I was strolling around and collecting any bugs I could find, big bugs, small bugs... bugs that climb on rocks.... But not bugs big enough to single handedly kill me, Take out that Seltas so I can collect bugs in peace.
- The feathers on my hat represent my sheer beauty and raw elegance. Now whats more beautiful or elegant than me wearing a hat with the feathers of the Hypnocatrice itself. I'd be the talk of the town. All I need is one downed, anyone willing?
- Unlocks what The Hell is it Doing here?
- I love birds! They are all so cute, even ones that can breath fireballs. Speaking of fireballs, that's what comes out of a Kut Ku's mouth, can you capture one please? DON'T KILL IT?!!
- The Great Fireballer must be completed in order to unlock.
- You know whats one of the hardest parts about being a merchant? Its attracting customers.... because everything around you is the opposite of attractive. An Arzuros patrolling nearby doesn't help in that regard, I'll appreciate the beast being quelled.
- Unlocks Swing Into Action
- A villager has reported illegal activity between a group of hunters. An ambush is being set up for that same villager. This is a strange request but that villager needs protection, the poachers maybe slain if necessary.
- Are you kidding me! I took my time to travel to the Deserted Island to get away from the Jaggi only to find out their very leader resides here?!!! Any hunters out there to exterminate it?
- One time.. There was a boy, a young boy who wondered into a cave and never returned, and that boy, was my son, hunters please quell this feeling of vengeance by eliminating my sons killer.
- HELP!! A strange amphibious ravenous, predatory wyvern has invaded the Sunken Hollow. What even is that thing? Never seen it before but its appetite is enormous. Hunters, quell that hungry swallower!!
- Lately the sponges in my shop are running dry in quality and that sense of feeling good while taking a bath is no longer present within them, new ones are in the making but parts off of Royal Ludroth are required for that.
- Save Our Boat! must be completed in order to unlock.
- A Great Baggi is terrorising Pokke village and is disturbing the ecosystem in the snowy mountains. I'm too old to pursue and slay the troublemaker so I pass this request to any other hunters willing to help.