| - Change Band is performed by typing /changeband . It allows an entertainer to change what song the band is playing without having to stop the music and start up again. Holos and droids only recognize band and (dance) troupe commands, such as change band, and will not emulate your regular commands. If you use holos or a playback droid, this is a must know. Warning One: If the song is changed to something someone can't play, that person will stop playing completely; and, they won't be able to join back in until you change the music back to something they can play. If they are AFK or have a patron listening this will be a problem, so make sure you know your bandmates' limitations. --Holos will know everything you know. If your holos stop functioning while you're still performing, it is a bug and aught to be reported. Warning Two: If a playback droid is in your band and playing, you will be restricted to the songs the droid has been taught. Attempts to change the band to music the droid doesn't know will not work, rather than causing the droid to temporarily stop playing. You must manually tell the droid to stop playing before you can change to a song it doesn't know. Using /changeband will not work if you are playing by yourself. On solo occasions, the command is /changemusic . Using /changemusic while in a band will not make it so that you play one thing while the band plays another, it simply won't work. You must use the correct command for the situation. See Entertainer Songs for a complete list of songs a true master musician can play. --Three songs are not freebies, and require you to earn them. Two of them are rare.