| - Turoks were a sentient species of reptiles that ran the Turok Tribunal in the Outer Rim.
- Turok war ein Ogeranführer und Krieger sowie letzter Ogerbesatzer der Todesminen. Er war Geliebter der Orcprinzessin Griselda Schwarzfaust, sein "Schwiegervater" Schwarzfaust, der Kriegshäuptling der Horde, einem Bund der Orcs, tötete Turok und Griselda ob ihrer Beziehung später. Kategorie:Oger
- Turok is the Chief medical officer on the USS Columbia (NCC-74002). He is also a Vulcan who can express his emotions.
- Turok on nimetty soturiluokan Skrall.
- Landscape To the north of Turok lies the Capu Mountains which is the only entrance from the Kili Kingdom. The country has hills to the south, east and west. The mountains contain Calio. A mineral that has a value of 100,000 platinum. Lifestyle The Archmeds have no celebrations but they do like war which is made at least once a month if that's a celebration. Houses and Work Archmeds live in metal houses that are placed in rows inside cities. They work making machines and technology. The most famous piece of machinery made was Dero's life support machine.
- Turok is a Native American who appears in the 2008 animated film, Turok: Son of Stone as the main protagonist. During the film, Turok and his fellow Native Americans named Andar and Catori, are transported to the Lost Lands, an alternate dimension full of prehistoric creatures.
- Turok was the leader of a rogue band of Ogres who were denied entrance into the Horde by Blackhand the Destroyer. Blackhand's own daughter, Griselda (an Orc), saw folly in his decision to reject them, and she fled, taking refuge with Turok's band of ogres beneath the Deadmines. Blackhand was enraged by her betrayal and sent a group into the Deadmines to track them down. On Blackhand's command, the Ogres were wiped out and Griselda was killed. It is highly probable that Turok was also killed.
- Turok was a shipbuilding company founded on Qo'noS in the 2340s, during the economic boom years of Chancellor Kravokh's reign. Turok failed after a brief time, as its founder apparently misused the funds he had raised, and was murdered as a result. Among Turok's investors were L'Kor, who convinced an associate, Gannik, to also invest in Turok, rather than rival company Sokor. The failure of Turok led to a decades-long conflict between the two men and their families. (KE novel: A Burning House)
- This week on Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee goes dinosaur hunting, with Turok.
- The original comic was illustrated by Rex Maxon. The writer-creator credit for the characters of Turok and Andar is disputed, with historians citing Matthew H. Murphy, Gaylord DuBois and Paul S. Newman as the feature's earliest writers. After two appearances in Four Color #596 and #656, the title ran 27 issues (#3-29) from publisher Dell Comics (1956–62); then issues #30-125 (1962–80) from Gold Key Comics; and finally issues #126-130 (1981–82) under Western's Whitman Comics imprint.