| - Fuck you Chris
- The Soccer map is a special map that comes with Fat Princess. It is special in that when selected, the game mode automatically changes to Queen's Rules. In this game mode, there are no Princesses and no cake. Instead, all characters start out as a Villager and must slap a soccer ball into the opposing team's goal post. Occasionally, Hats and Resources will drop from the sky to help whoever gets to them first. With the resources you can build springboards and a goalie-like structure.. The team with the most amount of points at the end, wins.
- Soccer is a video game for the NES that was developed by Nintendo. It is a simple Soccer game where you control a team and try to score more points than the opponent by kicking a ball into the opponents goal. In 2006 it was rereleased on the Wii's Virtual Console.
- Soccer was the second game released by PPM out of beta testing.
- During Redemption, some kids were playing soccer in Sangala when they were interrupted by Youssou Dubaku and his who were "recruiting" people for the People's Freedom Army. (24: Redemption) Prescott O'Brian, son of Morris and Chloe, was in a soccer team. Prescott and Morris were killed in a hit-and-run accident when they were on their way home from soccer practice. ("Day 9: 1:00pm-2:00pm")
- Soccer is played between two teams of 11 players each, on a rectangular grass field with a goal on each end. The object of the game is to maneuver the ball into the opposing team's goal, while preventing the opposing team from doing the same. With the exception of the goalkeepers, players are not allowed to use their hands or arms to maneuver the ball.
- thumb|Carátula del juego, de la serie Nintendo Sports. thumb|Escena del juego. Soccer es un videojuego de fútbol para la consola NES, desarrollado por Nintendo en 1985. La mayoría de Los Inmaduros tenían family game y no la consola oficial, por lo que conocieron el juego con distintos nombres.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Soccer/preload editintro=Soccer/editintro width=25 Soccer is an incredibly interesting sport, as opposed to American football, which is slow, belabored and overly statistical in strategy, planning and execution. I just wonder, could there be automatic updates to information? Things that just sort of add themselves into this site, like RSS feeds of relevant information?
- You can buy a Soccer Ball at the W-Shop for only 50 KinzCash!
- Soccer, or less commonly Association football (according to Wikipedia), in it's most general form, is a sport in which the main goal is to kick as many people's balls that are under them as you can and shake them so hard that it makes them exhausted from putting in too much effort (in the game being played). There are, of course variations of the term soccer; in the UK they think that football is soccer, despite the fact that it's not. How can someone not be able to tell the difference between such extremes as football and soccer, let alone an entire country/nation/whatever the fuck the UK is.
- There are two sets of goals and some different balls that you can play with:
* Soccer ball
* Beach ball
* Playground ball
* Snow Ball (only available in Winter Festival) You can kick the balls by walking up to them and clicking on them with your mouse. The beach ball doesn't need to be clicked. You just need to touch it. If you kick one of the balls between any set of goalposts, then you score a goal. When you score a goal in the chat log below says ( your name ) scored a gooooooaaaalllll!!!!!
- Alvirne Soccer is a diverse sport with a multitude of high-achieving players, whom want victory. They're Division 1, and have been inches away from NHAA Champions. Coaches: Jeff Blackwell (Varsity Coach, And JV), Coach Al Conti (Assistant soccer Coach) Email: Alvirneboyssoccer@Aol.com
- Fun Fact: Every time a soccer player or soccer mom hits the ball with their head, they lose either 1% of their grade on standardized tests or the knowledge of a loved one's birthday. The soccer ball has the potential to hit players in the face. Their reasonable course of action seems to be to fall over holding their leg.
- Soccer was a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a spherical ball. It was among the most popular sports on Old Earth. It was still played on Manticore in the Post Diaspora era. Hamish Alexander and Thomas Caparelli excelled at it while attending the Royal Manticoran Naval Academy on Saganami Island. (HH3, HH10) Saganami Island had a soccer field as a part of the Naval Academy. (HH3) Soccer was also played on Mobius Beta, with a stadium able to hold 30,000 people located in the capital city of Landing. (HH14)
- Soccer is done in the Cabanda Summer olympics by Happy65
- In the United States of the home timeline, soccer was a minor sport which people thought about mainly at the time of the World Cup. Other sports, such as baseball, were far more popular. In the rest of the world, however, soccer dominated. Vietnam defeated Italy in the World Cup finals of 2086. A referee missed an obvious off-side call during the game, costing Italy the game with a final score of 2-1.
- Soccer är en sport spelas mellan två lag med elva spelare vardera, med hjälp av en sfärisk boll. De människor som reste ner till planeten Eden spelat en make-flytta spel fotboll. (SGU: "Faith")
- Soccer is one of the most sinister plots by the Soviet Union to cause the colapse of Western Civilization as we know it.
- Soccer is a Card Game, that is played by Sports Stars who don't have the time to learn a complicated card game, but want to do something in their spare time.
- Soccer is a sport practiced by most countries internationally; it represents passion and anger towards an inflated piece of rubber or leather to the extreme. It is regarded as one of the best things in America except for football, hookers, alcohol, guns, and everything else. The game consists of two teams players kicking a ball; the players are often donned in minimal protection, I.E. a mouth guard and shin guards, whilst large pigs spend an hour preparing for American Football, if you will. Soccer may also be referring to the popular sport of parents buying massive cars, (See The worst vehicle EVER), to carry their two kids, who own bikes, to the park.
- Soccer, also known as football, was a Human sport originating on Earth in England in which two teams of 11 players tried to drive a ball into the others net by using any body part except the arms or hands. The only player who was allowed to touch or move the ball with their arms or hands was the goalkeeper, who protected the net. He or she could only do so within the confines of their own team's penalty area. Lee, a 21st century Sanctuary District official, preferred soccer to baseball and tennis. (DS9: "Past Tense, Part II")
- Soccer is a game between to teams with each eleven players. One of the eleven players in the team is the goalkeeper which is allowed to get the ball in the hands. The teams play with a spherical ball. A soccer field is approximately 100 m by 40 m. At each end is a goal. The purpose of the game is scoring the most goals in 90 minutes. After 45 minutes is a rest. Soccer is the most popular sports on the world. more than 250 million people play it in over 200 countries of the world.
- Soccer (known as football throughout most of the world) is a team sport played between two teams of eleven players, and is the most popular sport in the world. The game is played on a rectangular grass or artificial turf field, with a goal in the centre of each of the short ends. The object of the game is to score by driving the ball into the opposing goal. In general play, the goalkeepers are the only players allowed to use their hands or arms to propel the ball; the rest of the team usually use their feet to kick the ball into position, occasionally using their torso or head to intercept a ball in midair. The team that scores the most goals by the end of the match wins. If the score is tied at the end of the game, either a draw is declared or the game goes into extra time and/or a penalt