| - Dr. Eggman and Snively are observing Knuckles from a monitor, who has become powerful enough to alter the fabric of reality. A machine in Eggman's lab is affected by Knuckles power, causing the original Dr. Robotnik to form in front of them. Eggman and Robotnik are both confused, and Robotnik orders his "SWATbots" to arrest Eggman, but the Shadowbots don't obey his orders. Meanwhile, in Knothole Village, Tails is playing hide and seek with the rest of the Knothole Freedom Fighters. He notices a rustling in the bushes nearby, and calls out to Sonic, telling him he's found him. Sonic runs up to tell him he's not the one hiding over there, and Dr. Robotnik crawls out of the bushes, happy to see them. Sonic asks how the doctor came back to life, remembering that the Ultimate Annihilator destroyed him long ago. Robotnik says that Eggman brought him back in order to steal his memories and he just barely escaped. Sonic doesn't feel he should care and takes Robotnik to Castle Acorn. Robotnik pleads for protection, Queen Alicia noticing his injuries and King Max agreeing that they could help. Sonic, in complete disbelief of their trust, points out that Robotnik tried to turn them all into his robot slaves in the past and that he could be a robotic duplicate himself. Alicia agrees that they should be cautious and has Doctor Quack examine him. Quack confirms that he's the real Robotnik. Robotnik spends a week enjoying himself in Knothole, causing problems for Sonic by mistake, before telling the king that he's ready to face "himself" in Robotropolis. The Freedom Fighters and Robotnik set off to Robotropolis in the Freedom Fighter Special. Robotnik apologizes to Sally for harming them all and asks if they could become allies in the future. Sally and the others ignore him. Once they land, Robotnik says he can take control of Robotropolis if he can access the computers. Sonic, Bunnie, and Tails easily take care of the Shadowbots guarding the city and Robotnik leads them to the control room. Inside is the machine that resurrected Robotnik, and Sonic's skeptical that it's actually a computer. The Freedom Fighters step onto the machine, and Robotnik activates it. Eggman enters with Snively and tells them that the machine is a matter fluctuator and it's disassembling their molecules. Sally activates NICOLE, who destroys the machine. Sonic reveals that they knew that they would be betrayed and only came to destroy the fluctuator. Bunnie asks who hatched their dumb plan in the first place, and Eggman and Robotnik blame each other. They begin to fight each other while the Freedom Fighters walk away. As they start to board the Freedom Fighter Special, Sonic explains to Tails that Dr. Quack found out that Dr. Robotnik's molecules were too unstable for him to remain in existence. Dr. Robotnik disappears, and Eggman accidentally punches Snively.