Like many latter-day South Park episodes that strive to hit too many topics , “The Magic Bush” fails to make a significant point about either of the things it’s dealing with. Drones are bad for spying on people? Sure. We shouldn’t put nude pictures of people online, but it’s not that big of a deal either way? Well, the second part of that is a little bit of a problem, but in general this isn’t that interesting of a position. “The Magic Bush” is classic South Park taking the moral high ground where the moral high ground isn’t that moral, and it’s not that interesting, or enjoyable.
This week's South Park combined Ferguson and drones to tell a clever story involving Cartman, Butters and -- of all things -- Craig's mom's nether regions. While certain elements didn't quite come together here , "The Magic Bush" did a great job of melding satire and "boys being boys" shenanigans.