| - CORI 8D
- Cori è un cuoco che abita a Rogue Town.
- Cori assisted Marie Warner with her wedding preparations during Day 2. Cori prepared to make some adjustments to Marie's wedding dress at 12:47pm. As she left to work on the dress, she greeted Marie's sister Kate, who came to tell Marie that her husband-to-be Reza Naiyeer was being questioned by CTU agents. ("Day 2: 12:00pm-1:00pm")
- Cori was a female Mere cruiser captain, who fought for the Galactic Republic before the onset of the Clone Wars. In 22 BBY, she fought in a space battle during the First Battle of Geonosis.
- After a great Cold-drake killed both Thrór's father and brother, Cori was among the many dwarves that were led away from the Grey Mountains and accompanied Thrór to Lonely Mountain in the year TA 2689. After Grór continued east with a great following of Dúrin's Folk to the Iron Hills, where he founded his own realm, Cori would later marry Thrór, and became Queen of Erebor.
- Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "Cori dice Cori." — Como no podía ser menos, Cori "Juanjo Neeeng!." — Cori (siesque tiro piedras contra mi tejado) "Ven pacá guapa, que te voy a dar lo tuyo, déjame que te chupe un sobaco." — Cori, el follador. "¡¡Camadedo, otdro vinitoh!!" — Cori, en La Latina "No me hagais llorar, que pierdo sales minerales y tengo que beber más para reponerlas" — Yo, llorando de risa en La Latina Durante el curso 2004-2005 fue miembro del Consejo colegial El Cori ibérico se las hace de cara.
- A rugged Dwarf with dark brown hair and a twinbraided beard, Cori had ruddy skin and thick-calloused hands. His appearance betrayed a life devoted to scratching precious metals out of the uncaring earth. Cori was, after all, an expert at building tunnels and finding his way through natural cave systems. Cori has also made a thorough study of the maps of Khazad-dum. Although his maps were far from complete, he could fill in most gaps using educated guesses. Once he descended into the Seventh Deep, for instance, he would be able to locate the entrance to the chasm out of which the Balrog arose.
- Cori is the Gym leader from Discovery City on Dropoff island in the Mento region, when she's not being challenged by trainers she spends her time caring for and rescuing injured wild Pokemon, for that reason her GYM is also a rescue centre with the battle arena on the first floor and the rescue centre being on the upper floors. Cori is often out searching for any injured Pokemon so if you wanted to challenge her you would have to go find her and bring her back to the Gym yourself, but not to worry she never leaves the island so she would be quite easy to find.