| - Kirk sends McCoy and Scotty to a biotechnology conference on Starbase Ten to present a paper by Spock. The USS Lexington picks them up after the conference to bring them back to the Enterprise, but is diverted to an emergency at Mining Colony 47 and drops them off on Denebia. In Meekrab, Denebia's main interstellar port, Scotty suggests visiting a bar, where an "information purveyor" named Spaytak overhears Scotty refer to himself as the "master" of the Enterprise. Thinking Scotty and McCoy are Kirk and Spock, Spaytak finds Krong, a disgraced Klingon, in another bar. Krong refuses to believe that Kirk and Spock are in Meekrab. Nonetheless, Spaytak enlists his associates Mot, Lort, Churt and Dorsoll to capture the two Starfleet officers.
| - Kirk sends McCoy and Scotty to a biotechnology conference on Starbase Ten to present a paper by Spock. The USS Lexington picks them up after the conference to bring them back to the Enterprise, but is diverted to an emergency at Mining Colony 47 and drops them off on Denebia. In Meekrab, Denebia's main interstellar port, Scotty suggests visiting a bar, where an "information purveyor" named Spaytak overhears Scotty refer to himself as the "master" of the Enterprise. Thinking Scotty and McCoy are Kirk and Spock, Spaytak finds Krong, a disgraced Klingon, in another bar. Krong refuses to believe that Kirk and Spock are in Meekrab. Nonetheless, Spaytak enlists his associates Mot, Lort, Churt and Dorsoll to capture the two Starfleet officers. Leaving the bar when they learn that their drinks are called "Denebian slime devils", McCoy and Scotty are picked up by a cab driven by Churt, who offers to take them to his "aunt"'s hotel. Churt brings them to the bar frequented by Krong, where a brawl ensues after the Klingon sees that the supposed "Spock" is human. The next morning, the real Kirk and Spock arrive from the Enterprise and find their friends and Krong recovering from the night's activities; the five Denebians are unconscious. McCoy and Scotty convince Kirk to bring Krong to another neutral planet aboard the Enterprise.