| - The signatories of this document, nations of We Are Rogue, although sovereign and independent, do hereby recognize the necessity of establishing organization within our cooperative of nations for the express purposes of accomplishing our goals as defined by general consensus.
* Membership To join We Are Rogue, all that is required is an invitation from any of our members. To be removed from We Are Rogue three consecutive votes in the form of Declarations of War from other members of We Are Rogue are all that is required.
* Official Info Voluntary or Highly Recommended
* Sphere: Purple
* Affiliation: We Are Rogue
* Forums: <a href="http://s1.zetaboards.com/Rogue/index/">http://s1.zetaboards.com/Rogue/index/</a>
* Government We are a cooperative, volunteers run this alliance. If you don't like whats going on, step up and do it yourself. Anyone is welcome to help out anywhere.
* War War, while obviously can be started by any member, at any time, is an alliance thing. We wish to organize our raids and coordinate our update blitz's, in other words team work is good. Before you go off guns blazing on an alliance who has offended you, call on your neighbors. If the majority agree, we'll do some major damage instead of waking up the next day with eighteen messages in our nation inbox.
* Treaties We don't want none. But if we change our mind they must be approved by all signatories of this document.
* Trade Our recommended sphere is purple, so that we may grow and trade within a common sphere and so that we might maintain a senator. We will try to put trade circles together for each other, but trades aren't always an easy find.
* The Nitty Gritty
* This document is solely for the purpose of unifying We Are Rogue to accomplish our goals, members are not required to sign it to maintain membership, especially if they disagree with it for any principle reason.
* All members who become signatories do so of their own choice and do wish to participate in organized war, trade, treaties, and will contribute whatever they feel they can to keep We Are Rogue running smooth.
* Any amendments must be approved by all signatories.
* Signatories may withdraw from this agreement at any time.