| - El número (1049) es el número natural que sigue al 1048 y precede al 1050. Categoría:Números
- Katja bringt ihre erste Dopingkontrolle nach anfänglicher Nervosität über die Bühne. Trotzdem beschäftigen sie die von Axel aufgebrachten Dopinggerüchte. Ben geht immer noch zuversichtlich davon aus, dass entgegen Axels Behauptungen niemand in seinem Team Dopingmittel zu sich nimmt. Doch dann trifft das Ergebnis der A-Probe ein. Simone kehrt mit der Urne nach Essen zurück und bringt die schreckliche Gewissheit: Jenny ist tatsächlich tot. Nicht ahnend, dass Axel den Totenschein gefälscht hat und die Überreste nicht von Jenny sind, trauern die Steinkamps um ihre Tochter. Florian erfährt aufgeregt, dass ein Talentscout auf ihn aufmerksam geworden ist. Franziska befürchtet, dass ihre heimliche Liebe nun zu ihrem härtesten Konkurrenten wird, doch zu ihrer Freude sieht Florian seine sportliche Z
- Carolyn drunkenly tells Roger that Alexis is really Angelique, but she is overheard by a shadowy figure standing in the hallway. As a unknown person continues to eavesdrop, Carolyn goes on to declare it's true. She tells Roger that Alexis bares the mark at the back of her skull where Angelique was murdered. Roger gets furious with her and thinks Carolyn has lost her mind. Meanwhile, Amy discovers Mr. Trask eavesdropping at the door. He tells her to leave him alone. Back inside the room, Roger declares that Carolyn is drunk, but she is unphased. Roger states that Angelique would want revenge, and Carolyn points out that Quentin is on the run from the police with a charge of murder, which Roger cannot deny. As Trask continues to eavesdrop, Angelique approaches him and he quietly leaves. Ange
| - Carolyn drunkenly tells Roger that Alexis is really Angelique, but she is overheard by a shadowy figure standing in the hallway. As a unknown person continues to eavesdrop, Carolyn goes on to declare it's true. She tells Roger that Alexis bares the mark at the back of her skull where Angelique was murdered. Roger gets furious with her and thinks Carolyn has lost her mind. Meanwhile, Amy discovers Mr. Trask eavesdropping at the door. He tells her to leave him alone. Back inside the room, Roger declares that Carolyn is drunk, but she is unphased. Roger states that Angelique would want revenge, and Carolyn points out that Quentin is on the run from the police with a charge of murder, which Roger cannot deny. As Trask continues to eavesdrop, Angelique approaches him and he quietly leaves. Angelique then enters the drawing room, much to the surprise of Roger. Carolyn mocks Roger in front of Angelique about knowing so many secrets at Collinwood, before she finally decides to leave. Trask decides to follow her. As Carolyn is working in the parlor at the Loomis House, Trask walks in and admits that he heard everything Roger and Carolyn said. Trask wants to know how she knows Alexis is Angelique. Carolyn starts laughing and accuses him of being in love with Angelique, just like everyone else at Collinwood is. Frustrated, he grabs her and Carolyn stops him. Trask says she will regret not telling him what he wants to know. At Collinwood, Elizabeth and Angelique are in the drawing room before Carolyn stumbles in, still very drunk. Elizabeth tries to help her, but Carolyn says no one can help her anymore. She admits that she is relieved that Elizabeth wasn't the murderer, which stuns Elizabeth. As Roger eavesdrops outside, Elizabeth admits she hated Angelique, but would never consider killing her. Carolyn tells her she knows who the real murderer is, but Elizabeth passes it off due to her drunkenness. She even mentions that she knows where Quentin is. Roger continues to eavesdrop, but unbeknownest to him, someone is eavesdropping on him from servant's quarters. In the drawing room, Carolyn tells Elizabeth that at nightfall she will reveal who the murderer is. Roger then realizes that someone was watching him, but doesn't know who. Amy goes to visit Trask in the kitchen at Collinwood, who is sharpening a knife. She apologizes for what happened earlier in the morning, and tells him that she heard footsteps coming from the tower room again. In the drawing room, Elizabeth expresses her disappointment about Carolyn's behavior. Roger wants to have her taken to a mental institution, but Elizabeth won't have any of it. Meanwhile, Trask is about to enter the tower room, but Carolyn catches him and kicks him out while she goes into the room. Elizabeth and Amy enter the kitchen, but Trask is nowhere to be found. They are both worried about Carolyn and her mental stability. Amy notices that a knife from the kitchen is missing, but the two don't think anything of it and leave. Carolyn is still in the tower room, trying to talk to William. She hears the door open and someone approaches her. Carolyn recognizes the person as Angelique's murderer and says she has been waiting for them. The person holds up a knife and stabs her.
- Katja bringt ihre erste Dopingkontrolle nach anfänglicher Nervosität über die Bühne. Trotzdem beschäftigen sie die von Axel aufgebrachten Dopinggerüchte. Ben geht immer noch zuversichtlich davon aus, dass entgegen Axels Behauptungen niemand in seinem Team Dopingmittel zu sich nimmt. Doch dann trifft das Ergebnis der A-Probe ein. Simone kehrt mit der Urne nach Essen zurück und bringt die schreckliche Gewissheit: Jenny ist tatsächlich tot. Nicht ahnend, dass Axel den Totenschein gefälscht hat und die Überreste nicht von Jenny sind, trauern die Steinkamps um ihre Tochter. Florian erfährt aufgeregt, dass ein Talentscout auf ihn aufmerksam geworden ist. Franziska befürchtet, dass ihre heimliche Liebe nun zu ihrem härtesten Konkurrenten wird, doch zu ihrer Freude sieht Florian seine sportliche Zukunft an ihrer Seite. Doch dann bringt ein Fund Florians Franziska in die Bredouille.
- El número (1049) es el número natural que sigue al 1048 y precede al 1050. Categoría:Números