| - [[Plik:922 (Powązki).jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 12 na linii 922 na pętli Powązki-Cmentarz Wojskowy, 01.08.2016]] 922 – linia autobusowa specjalna, uruchamiana na czas uroczystości związanych z wybuchem powstania warszawskiego, która kursuje z Metra Marymont na Powązki-Cmentarz Wojskowy. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmuje jej 10-13 minut, częstotliwość uzależniona jest od frekwencji. W 2016 roku linię obsługiwała zajezdnia Kleszczowa.
- El número (922) es el número natural que sigue al 921 y precede al 923. Categoría:Números
- Katja muss eine Reihe von Rückschläge verkraften: Ihr Sturz hat ihre Teilnahme am Essen-Cup ins Wanken gebracht. Die neuen Schlittschuhe - ein Geschenk von Ben - sind noch nicht eingelaufen. Und als sich ein Sponsor meldet, der eine der Läuferinnen des Teams unterstützen will, entscheidet sich Ben für Isabelle. Richard bemüht sich in Celines Abwesenheit um Zoé, in der Hoffnung, endlich ein gutes Verhältnis zu ihr aufzubauen. In diesem Sinne lässt er Zoé verständnisvoll einiges durchgehen - sehr zu Zoés Ärger, die eigentlich nur ein Ziel hat: Richard zu provozieren und so einen Keil zwischen ihn und ihre Mutter zu treiben. Ingo erfährt fassungslos, dass Axel Constanzes Stelle gekürzt hat, um ihn unter Druck zu setzen. Ingo beugt sich der Erpressung, damit Constanze ihren Vollzeit-Job zurück
- Chris transforms into a werewolf and attacks Tate, who is unable to escape. Grant arrives at the mansion and hears screaming coming from the inside. Grant breaks into the mansion and finds Tate, who has been badly wounded. Chris, as a werewolf, attacks Grant, but Grant fends him off with a piece of silver, and the wolf flees. Tate, who addresses Grant as Quentin, asks him to save him, since Tate had saved him once before. Having run into the woods, Olivia encounters the werewolf and is about to be attacked. But the werewolf is distracted by something, and runs off.
| - [[Plik:922 (Powązki).jpg|right|thumb|250px|Autobus Solaris Urbino 12 na linii 922 na pętli Powązki-Cmentarz Wojskowy, 01.08.2016]] 922 – linia autobusowa specjalna, uruchamiana na czas uroczystości związanych z wybuchem powstania warszawskiego, która kursuje z Metra Marymont na Powązki-Cmentarz Wojskowy. Przejechanie całej trasy zajmuje jej 10-13 minut, częstotliwość uzależniona jest od frekwencji. W 2016 roku linię obsługiwała zajezdnia Kleszczowa.
- El número (922) es el número natural que sigue al 921 y precede al 923. Categoría:Números
- Katja muss eine Reihe von Rückschläge verkraften: Ihr Sturz hat ihre Teilnahme am Essen-Cup ins Wanken gebracht. Die neuen Schlittschuhe - ein Geschenk von Ben - sind noch nicht eingelaufen. Und als sich ein Sponsor meldet, der eine der Läuferinnen des Teams unterstützen will, entscheidet sich Ben für Isabelle. Richard bemüht sich in Celines Abwesenheit um Zoé, in der Hoffnung, endlich ein gutes Verhältnis zu ihr aufzubauen. In diesem Sinne lässt er Zoé verständnisvoll einiges durchgehen - sehr zu Zoés Ärger, die eigentlich nur ein Ziel hat: Richard zu provozieren und so einen Keil zwischen ihn und ihre Mutter zu treiben. Ingo erfährt fassungslos, dass Axel Constanzes Stelle gekürzt hat, um ihn unter Druck zu setzen. Ingo beugt sich der Erpressung, damit Constanze ihren Vollzeit-Job zurückbekommt, und unterschreibt seinen Zwangsfreiberufler-Vertrag. Doch er lässt es sich nicht nehmen, seine Situation zu nutzen, um Axel zu provozieren.
- Chris transforms into a werewolf and attacks Tate, who is unable to escape. Grant arrives at the mansion and hears screaming coming from the inside. Grant breaks into the mansion and finds Tate, who has been badly wounded. Chris, as a werewolf, attacks Grant, but Grant fends him off with a piece of silver, and the wolf flees. Tate, who addresses Grant as Quentin, asks him to save him, since Tate had saved him once before. At Olivia's suite, Julia is confronting Olivia about the similarity of her writing sample to Amanda's. Olivia evades Julia's implication, explaining that it was Amanda who taught her how to write. Soon the phone rings. It is Grant, who asks to talk to Julia. He tells her that Tate has been injured, and she and Olivia leave to head to the mansion. Julia examines Tate as Grant and Olivia wait outside. Julia asks him where Quentin's portrait is, but Tate again says the portrait was destroyed in a fire. Julia says she knows he is lying, and Tate agrees to tell her its location in exchange for keeping him alive. Olivia enters the room, and Tate recognizes her as Amanda. Julia tells Olivia the man is Charles Delaware Tate. Oliva is visibly shocked. Julia again asks Tate where Quentin's portrait is, but he finally succumbs to his injuries and dies. Olivia seems to be taking Tate's death very hard, which sparks numerous questions and accusations from Julia. Olivia will admit only that her reaction was provoked by a fear of death. Having run into the woods, Olivia encounters the werewolf and is about to be attacked. But the werewolf is distracted by something, and runs off. Back at Olivia's suite, Grant recalls to Julia his experience with the werewolf from earlier in the evening. Julia senses that Grant intuitively knew that silver would be effective against the werewolf. Surprisingly, Grant agrees, and wonders what his intuition could mean. Later that night, Olivia returns to her suite. Thinking she is alone, she pulls out the locket that Quentin gave to Amanda in 1897, and asks why Grant doesn't know who he is, and why he doesn't recognize her. Unbeknownest to her, Julia has been eavesdropping, and then confronts her. Olivia finally admits that she is in fact Amanda Harris. In a flashback to 1897, Quentin and Amanda are arguing on a bridge in New York; Quentin tells her he can't be with her because he will always appear young, while she will continue to grow older. He gives her the locket, and bids to her move on with her life and forget about him. Quentin leaves, and Amanda is approached by a strange man named Mr. Best, who offers Amanda another chance to be with Quentin. But Amanda jumps off the bridge. Amanda's suicide attempt fails, and she awakens in a hotel lobby that she has never seen before. Mr. Best appears, informing her she is at "The Stopping Off Place." He offers Amanda a deal: She will stay young for the rest of her natural life, and must find Quentin before the day she was meant to die. If she finds him and convinces him to stay with her, then they will be together for eternity. Mr. Best foretells that he will appear on the day that her natural life is to end. Amanda then tells Julia that she woke up back on the bridge. Julia tells her she feels they are close to getting Grant to remember who he is, but that they need more "experiences" similar to the one that happened today in Tate's mansion. After Julia leaves, there is a knock on Amanda's door. It's Mr. Best, and he asks Amanda if she is "ready."