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- Hey Buzz Crew, I read that Netflix has signed another deal with more movie studios to delay new releases for 28 days. I understand in principle that they are giving in the get more instant streaming, however, I do not think that Netflix truly understands there customer base. I, and my friends who have Netflix, use it mainly for new releases. Occasionally we watch old movies, but the bulk of our movie watching is new releases. If I have to wait a month to watch a new movie, Netflix movies become less important, and I, as well as my friends, are considering dropping Netflix if we have to wait for new movies. Netflix needs to stop screwing over what is arguably the biggest part of their revenue, users who watch new releases. If this continues Netflix is going to have to change their new relea
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Episode Title
| - Is the Kin Spot for real?
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| - Tom Merritt & Molly Wood
Co-hosts: Brian Tong
- Hey Buzz Crew, I read that Netflix has signed another deal with more movie studios to delay new releases for 28 days. I understand in principle that they are giving in the get more instant streaming, however, I do not think that Netflix truly understands there customer base. I, and my friends who have Netflix, use it mainly for new releases. Occasionally we watch old movies, but the bulk of our movie watching is new releases. If I have to wait a month to watch a new movie, Netflix movies become less important, and I, as well as my friends, are considering dropping Netflix if we have to wait for new movies. Netflix needs to stop screwing over what is arguably the biggest part of their revenue, users who watch new releases. If this continues Netflix is going to have to change their new releases tab to “Movies that everyone else got to see a month ago, but you decided to keep Netflix and wait a month for no particular reason”. Love the show USB 3.0 has nothing good to bring. For external drives eSATA is a much better interface, for everything else USB 2.0 works just fine. If speed was what consumers wanted Firewire 800 would have been a success. USB 3.0 should have had increased power output to be interesting to consumers. It is still below 5 watt (900mA@5V) more than USB 2.0 2.5W(500mA@5V) but not enough to support performance drives. Powered eSATA and Powered USB would be much more interesting for consumers. This is no conspiracy or foul behavior on intel's part, this is common sense.
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