| - A special kind of Polyamorist is a Serial Polyamorist. They go though relationships and spread STD's much faster than your standard Monogamist. Serial Polyamorists are demographically spreading STD's faster than humans are bearing children. The only thing on earth that spreads faster than Polyamorous STD's are the legs of a Serial Polyamorous woman who has stockholm syndrome and is hypnotized by the sweet calming words of an ego-stroking anarchist. A complete case study of this phenomena relating to Charles Manson can be found here.
- Polyamory is the action of dating more than one partner at one time. Until recently, it was generally Taboo for the mainstream media. . It seems to now be quite popular due to the idea of sex being even more important than ever before, being the "more sex the better, always". Polyamory supporters don't always support Polygamous marriage, though. Most who practice this have the consent of all their women to have sex and date romantically with other women as well, male polyamory seems to be the most common, though female polyamory is on the rise also, both lesbian and female with several men, as it is now more accepted. Some men even have sex with multiple women at once.
- A variant of the Love Triangle and Love Dodecahedron. Rather than requiring someone to pick one person out of several potential love interests, or have a Your Cheating Heart situation, all parties involved agree to be together and share cooperatively. This typically lacks any drama of the decision itself, but has a different form of drama in how people make arrangements with each other, manage jealousy and households, and deal with the disapproval of society as a whole. Not to be confused with Polyarmory. Examples of Polyamory include:
| - A variant of the Love Triangle and Love Dodecahedron. Rather than requiring someone to pick one person out of several potential love interests, or have a Your Cheating Heart situation, all parties involved agree to be together and share cooperatively. This typically lacks any drama of the decision itself, but has a different form of drama in how people make arrangements with each other, manage jealousy and households, and deal with the disapproval of society as a whole. Individuals who identify as polyamorous are likely to consider themselves "Ethical Sluts". However, far from all ethical sluts are polyamorous, and far from all people in polyamorous relationships have the "ethical slut" attitude. The difference between a polyamorist and a swinger is that the former seeks out full-spectrum relationships with each of his or her partners. The latter is largely there for the sex, often for the novelty of an unfamiliar (or unconquered) partner. Polyamorous relationship structures can take many forms, of which the Love Dodecahedron is one. The most common one in the real world is an Open Committed Relationship in which a couple act as primary partners to each other, but have agreed to love and cherish other people as partners as well. Unlike swingers, though, relationships with secondary partners will go beyond mere sex or intimacy, to include broad-spectrum involvement in their lives. Compare Marry Them All. Contrast No Romantic Resolution. OT3s, when they become canon, are a specific case. For more details and some Real Life tidbits, visit Useful Notes On Polyamory. Not to be confused with Polyarmory. Examples of Polyamory include:
- Polyamory is the action of dating more than one partner at one time. Until recently, it was generally Taboo for the mainstream media. . It seems to now be quite popular due to the idea of sex being even more important than ever before, being the "more sex the better, always". Polyamory supporters don't always support Polygamous marriage, though. Most who practice this have the consent of all their women to have sex and date romantically with other women as well, male polyamory seems to be the most common, though female polyamory is on the rise also, both lesbian and female with several men, as it is now more accepted. Some men even have sex with multiple women at once. Arguments against it More men still think that one partner at a time is better. Having romantic relationships with multiple people at once is also frowned upon by many because many find it greedy and overbearing, as taking in too much is often met with dangerous consequences. In addition, many of these People are likely not to use Condoms, so the increase in STD's isn't pretty. So it seems to be a rule of decency for many to have one partner at a time. And of coarse, most relationships are deemed to be important and having feelings for more than one makes all seem less important, and most only want one at a time. Arguments that it is OK Well it may or may not be consensual, some partners may prefer Monogamy while their significant other insists on dating many others. If they are not telling the main partner that they are dating others that is called cheating, and that is not Liberal at all. Many say that polyamory that is consensual and not cheating is OK as it is only their business and others are not to judge. Another argument is that if you love somebody, you should always go for it, but obviously be careful. Another argument is that a one can truly love more than one at the same time. Polyamory in Rap culture Polyamory seems to be promoted in rap Music, and has largely been since the 90's. Songs that feature polyamory were even more common starting around 2012. An example of a recent song about polyamory is Same D*** time" by Future.
- A special kind of Polyamorist is a Serial Polyamorist. They go though relationships and spread STD's much faster than your standard Monogamist. Serial Polyamorists are demographically spreading STD's faster than humans are bearing children. The only thing on earth that spreads faster than Polyamorous STD's are the legs of a Serial Polyamorous woman who has stockholm syndrome and is hypnotized by the sweet calming words of an ego-stroking anarchist. A complete case study of this phenomena relating to Charles Manson can be found here.