| - Emric Canaris was a Human male who served in the navies of both the Galactic Republic and, after the end of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Empire. During his time with the Empire he also joined Imperial Intelligence and as such was privy to many of the Empire's secrets. During the Galactic Civil War Canaris became disillusioned with the Empire and secretly began sabotaging Imperial Intelligence's efforts to hinder the fledgling Alliance to Restore the Republic, which he also secretly began to pass information to them using a network of spies and informants, only some of whom knew that Canaris had betrayed the Empire. Over time, Canaris ensured that the Alliance learned many of the Empire's tactics, strategies and planned operations, as well as the names of several Alliance members who were secretly in the employ of the Empire as spies. Though he did not have a hand in the Alliance's securing of the plans for the Death Star he was widely credited with it within the Alliance, and he began to be suspected by Ysanne Isard, who began to work to engineer his downfall. In order to throw Isard off his scent, Canaris engineered an Imperial victory over the Alliance at the Battle of Chommell Minor. However, although this convinced many high-ranking Imperial figures of Canaris' loyalty, Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine among them, Isard was not fooled. Eventually, she succeeded in convincing Sate Pestage of Canaris' treachery, who in turn persuaded the Emperor. Palpatine personally ordered Canaris' execution, which was carried out mere weeks before the Battle of Endor.