| - The Dukedom of Bastonne is a founding Dukedom that lies at the very center of the Kingdom of Bretonnia. Bastonne was at one time the very heart of all Bretonnia, its founding Duke being none other than Gilles le Breton, first Royarch of Bretonnia. It is also in many ways the spiritual heart of the Kingdom, for the Cathedral of the Cult of Lady is situated within the walls of Castle Bastonne itself.[1a] As such, the people of Bastone are especially arrogant and conceded, more so than perhaps any other Dukedom within the Kingdom. The Bastonnians have a tendency to prove their superiority towards all other lands and kingdoms, often belittling their achievements yet often showing very little of their own themselves. Nevertheless, being the spiritual heart of Bretonnia, the Kingdom of Bastonne has within their ranks the greatest concentration of Grail Knights within the Kingdom. As such, injustice is often rooted out, and the landed Nobles are far less corrupt than in any other Dukedom, but much of them are fairly incompetent, barely able to handle outside threats without losing grievously. Thus it is that the Grail Knights must face these dangers to ensure the Dukedom's survival. Its current lord is Duke Bohemond.[1a]