| - This class was widely used during the 2360s by Starfleet Academy as a Training vessel, and were often the cause of "class 2 claustrophobia" for the cadets who served aboard them, as they were, according to B'Elanna Torres, "fast, maneuverable, but not built for comfort." Tom Paris added that "they used to shoehorn half a dozen cadets into one of these things for weeks at a time," adding, "you did not want to be around when they opened up that airlock." (VOY: "Drone") A type 9 shuttle had the top speed of warp 4. (VOY: "Resolutions")
| - This class was widely used during the 2360s by Starfleet Academy as a Training vessel, and were often the cause of "class 2 claustrophobia" for the cadets who served aboard them, as they were, according to B'Elanna Torres, "fast, maneuverable, but not built for comfort." Tom Paris added that "they used to shoehorn half a dozen cadets into one of these things for weeks at a time," adding, "you did not want to be around when they opened up that airlock." (VOY: "Drone") A type 9 shuttle had the top speed of warp 4. (VOY: "Resolutions") However, in 2372, the crew of USS Voyager discovered a new form of dilithium that could remain stable at a much higher warp frequency, and modified the class 2 shuttle to achieve high-warp engine performance, reaching significantly past warp 9. (VOY: "Threshold") A class 2 shuttle's hull was made from a tritanium alloy. (VOY: "Threshold") As with other Starfleet shuttles of the era, these shuttles were equipped with phasers, and could be retrofitted with photon torpedoes. (VOY: "Dark Frontier", "Renaissance Man", "Bride of Chaotica!", et al.) According to Tom Paris, the decision to construct the Delta Flyer was based on the fact that "class 2 shuttles just don't cut it in the Delta Quadrant." He added that "we've needed something bigger and better since we got here." (VOY: "Drone", "Extreme Risk")