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* Has a vision of what is to be achieved
* Has a distinct goal in mind to be accomplished
* Has intuitions of knowledge, of possibilities, of solutions (Albert Einstein)
* Has single-minded focus and intention
* Is deeply interested in the subject matter
* Is determined to turn the vision into a living reality
* Seizes opportunities that present themselves
* Concerned more with achieving a goal than personal rewards or recognition (a value)
* Delights in solving problems
* Turns personal tragedy into opportunity
* Is willing to risk all
* Is motivated by deep personal values (e.g. simplicity, ease of use, harmony, unity, freedom, efficiency, greater convenience, money-savings, reducing poverty, relieving suffering, patriotism, democracy, supporting the common man, overcoming evil/aggression, victory, uplifting society, providing best technology, greater scientific insight/truth, justice, improving the environment, ending hunger, new forms of organization, the journey over the reward, work over fame, making a mark in the world)
* Has ability to formulate highly original solutions.
* Develops creative solutions to problems (e.g. Thomas Edison, Steve Jobs, Franklin Roosevelt)
* Melds disparate domains, disciplines into something coherently new
* Develops a holistic view of that domain
* Has unprecedented view in their domain
* Links other domains to the current domain (e.g. Bill Gates created DOS that any company could develop computer hardware for)
* Sees a natural evolution out of a previous domain(s) (as decades old PBS TV series 'Connections' shows)
* Sees a way one step beyond current status of domain
* Borrows the thoughts, ideas, inventions, resources, etc. of others (Steve Jobs used inventions of Xerox Parc to develop the first graphical interface, for Mac)
* Takes ideas to new levels
* Moves beyond the conventional (a value?)
* Thinks strategically
* Blends the creative and the practical
* Unflinching will and determination to accomplish the goal (e.g. Winston Churchill)
* Is extremely persistent. Persists until the goal is accomplished
* Is determined to carry out the goal, plan
* Makes exhaustive effort in pursuit of accomplishing the goal (e.g. Erin Brockovich)
* Has boundless energy, strength and vitality (e.g. Napoleon Bonaparte, Michael Gorbachev, Winston Churchill)
* Meets the challenges of life head-on (e.g. Winston Churchill)
* Is able to overcome major obstacles -- major and minor
* Is able to stand up to adversity
* Is courageous in the extreme
* Is undeterred, driven forward by adversity (e.g. Joe Montana)
* Demonstrates great psychological strength, toughness, resiliency (Elizabeth I)
* Is willing to sacrifice anything and everything as necessary (e.g. Michael Gorbachav)
* Uses all necessary force to accomplish the goal (Napoleon)
* Is self-motivated
* Is self-reliant
* Thinks for themselves; not influenced by the herd (Hamlet)
* Is undeterred by others' opinions
* has disregard for tradition, convention, procedures, and codes moral or social
* has qualities of human Personality and True Individuality
* Feels pleasure in going through the process; really enjoys the challenge
* Loves the adventure; the Romance of life
* Aspires to life to the full
* Shares positive, optimistic view of things with others (Henry V, Franklin Roosevelt)
* Has never say die attitude
* Has unshakeable faith in the process and outcome
* Has inner faith
* Unfazed by difficulties, undeterred by failures.
* Has unshakeable confidence
* Looks on the bright side of things
* Learns from mistakes (vital skill?)
* Is calm in the face of difficulty
* Has inner quietude and equality in the face of adversity
* Has unshakeable faith and confidence
* Positive attitudes on right occasions
* Loves the challenge
* Willing to change in light of the realities that presented themselves
* Willing to go to the extreme to make it come about (e.g. Erin Brockovich)
* Able to psychologically overcome perceived threats (e.g. Martin Luther)
* Has a coherent, practical plan for implementation
* Follows the process of creation from vision to manifestation
* Is highly organized
* Is detail-oriented
* Takes all necessary practical steps
* Has high level of skill
* Is highly knowledgeable in field (e.g. Bill Gates)
* Is infinitely resourceful
* Makes right decisions at crossroads moments
* Makes practical decisions
* Makes what others considered impractical, risky decisions (a value?)
* Releases enough positive energy to overcome the opposing energies in the environment
* Is in the right place at the right time.
* Creates luck (i.e. sudden onset of positive life response) through right inner and outer behaviors
* Attracts life response results through aspirations, attitudes, decisions, and actions
* Is able to use spiritual power to bring about results
* Uses the spiritual Force to create results
* Lives in a deeper consciousness that enables greater awareness, better decisions, and actions SOCIAL-ORIENTED QUALITIES:
* Fills a need in society
* Takes up an endeavor that is in tune with changing times (e.g. new leading edge dress styles in House of Elliot pursued by Evie)
* Is alert to uncover and explore a problem in society (e.g. Al Gore, Steve Jobs)
* Perceives and catches the emerging wave of social progress (JK Rowling, Steve Jobs)
* Expresses aspirations for which the society is subconsciously disposed
* Aims to, wants to change the world; make an impact on society (a value)
* Develops new standards, further organization in that domain
* Hopes to bring people together in new ways (Napoleon, Bill Wilson)
* Hopes to bring benefit to others; a munificent aspiration (e.g. Bill Wilson of AA; Erin Brockovich to victims of pollution) (a value)
* Lives in society supportive of or ready to be supportive of their intent
* Lives in a time of great innovation and change that affects that person
* Is affected by other’s genius
* Has fine people skills
* Is eloquent in the extreme (e.g. Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt)
* Is able to make people comfortable (e.g. Franklin Roosevelt)
* Is able to bring parties together (e.g. Bill Wilson of AA)
* Makes powerful alliances
* Is open-minded to others' views (a vital value)
* Is able to convince others of their position
* Listens well to the suggestions, good advice of others
* Is able to marshal the necessary resources to make it happen (e.g. Fred Smith of FedEx, Churchill)
* Possesses great powers of persuasion (e.g. Winston Churchill)
* Makes the right connections and associations with others
* Is genius in his field
* Follows the process of creation from vision to manifestation
* Has ability to bring together pieces identified or developed by others
* Grows from character to True Individuality (Personality)
* Is backed by friends, relatives, associates, etc.
* Is compelled by life to move in a new direction