| - Justin asks Juliet to prom, but Juliet tells him that she has already been to lots of proms, and it's common for proms to involve high expections and big let downs. However, she accepts his invitation and Justin promises Juliet a 'dream prom'. Meanwhile, Alex organizes a zombie themed anti-prom, and Harper hopes to ask Zeke to go with her but is too scared to ask. Max gets an offer from the wizard mail to test out a new wizard device called a "no-fear ring", which disables fear. When Alex gives Max fliers for "zombie prom" to hand out, Max accidently sends the fliers into the wizard mail portal, and the fliers are sent to the zombie world. Meanwhile, Alex pickpockets Max's no-fear ring and gives it to Harper so she will have the courage to ask Zeke to zombie prom. Justin decides that at prom, he will serenade Juliet on stage, and then ask her to go steady. At real prom, just after he asks Juliet to go steady with him, Alex interrupts to warn Justin about the Band which everybody then goes to. At the anti-prom, while Harper stands up to the zombies, Max realises that he had sent the wrong post, and locks all the doors. Then, they have a dance off and the wizards, with Juliet, wins. Assuming that they're drama club from another school, to which Justin and Alex realize that Max doesn't need the no-fear ring because he already has no fear. Realizing the popularity of the anti-prom, Alex and Harper decide that next year they will go to real prom. In the end, as Justin and Juliet dance, Juliet tells Justin that she will go steady with him and they kiss.