The Ancient Forest is an optional dungeon in Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, situated in Northwestern Midgard in the vicinity of Villnore. It is a sidequest location in Chapter 3 and 4.
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| - The Ancient Forest is an optional dungeon in Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, situated in Northwestern Midgard in the vicinity of Villnore. It is a sidequest location in Chapter 3 and 4.
- The Ancient Forest is a large logic puzzle involving the use of plant pods and the placement of frogs and flies to progress. It contains many rare items and enemies. An unusual feature to the forest is that if the player gets stuck or lost, they can press to instantly return to the entrance. The enemies around have an annoyingly high evade, so using weapons with 255% accuracy helps. If the player brings Vincent, they can find one such weapon for him in the forest.
- The «Ancient Forest» (古森, Furu Mori?) is a forest dungeon located in the north-eastern area of the Sylph zone and the south-western corner of the realm of Alfheim in ALfheim Online.
- At first it was little more than an idea and a rough sketch, but the Ancient Forest soon grew into a massive undertaking. At 2800 x 2800 pixels in size, and eight levels, the Ancient Forest would have been a huge metaroom. Two and a half levels were planned to be ground, while the remaining areas were planned to be arboreal, using wooden platforms and tree limbs to provide space for Norns to roam. Some planned critters included the Ligard, Qurril, Tree spider, and Buzzy bee. Some of the planned plants were the Peanut Plant and Orange Vine. The project team was dubbed Project Delphi on March 21, 2006, exactly a week after it was formed.
- Forests inside the borders of a civilization following Fellowship of Leaves have a small chance each turn to change into Ancient Forests. Ancient Forests have a chance of spawning a Treant when an enemy enters the cultural borders. Ancient Forests do not spread. They do not create Ancient Forests nor ordinary Forests. Elven workers are capable of building improvements on tiles with Ancient Forests without destroying the Ancient Forest. Forest tiles with improvements can still upgrade to Ancient Forests.
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es lore
| - Cuando actives esta carta, cambia cualquier monstruo en Posición de Defensa a Posición de Ataque boca arriba. Los Efectos de Volteo no se activan por esto. Si un monstruo ataca, destrúyelo al final de la Battle Phase de ese turno.
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ja lore
| - このカードの発動時に、フィールド上に守備表示でモンスターが存在する場合、そのモンスターを全て表側攻撃表示にする。この時、リバース効果モンスターの効果は発動しない。また、モンスターが攻撃を行った場合、攻撃を行ったモンスターをバトルフェイズ終了時に破壊する。
it lore
| - Quando attivi questa carta, metti scoperti in Posizione di Attacco tutti i mostri in Posizione di Difesa. Gli Effetti Scoperta non si attivano in questo modo. Se un mostro attacca, distruggilo alla fine della Battle Phase di quel turno.
pt name
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| - When you activate this card, change any Defense Position monster to face-up Attack Position. Flip Effects are not activated at this time. If a monster attacks, destroy it at the end of that turn's Battle Phase.
pt lore
| - Quando você ativa esta carta, altere todos os monstros que estão na Posição de Defesa para virados para cima na Posição de Ataque . Se um monstro ataca, destrua-o no fim da Battle Phase daquele turno.
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| - * Destroys Monster Cards
* Prevents activation of Flip monsters' effects
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de lore
| - Wenn du diese Karte aktivierst, ändere alle Monster in Verteidigungsposition in die offene Angriffsposition. Flippeffekte werden dabei nicht aktiviert. Falls ein Monster angreift, zerstöre es am Ende der Battle Phase des Spielzugs.
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fr lore
| - Lorsque vous activez cette carte, changez tous les monstres en Position de Défense en Position d'Attaque face recto. Les effets Flip ne sont pas activés à ce moment. Si un monstre attaque, détruisez-le à la fin de la Battle Phase de ce tour.
| - "In Search of the Man in Black" from Final Fantasy VII
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| - FFVII - In Search of the Man in Black.ogg
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Ja Name
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| - * Changes battle positions
* Flips monsters face-up
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| - The Ancient Forest is an optional dungeon in Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria, situated in Northwestern Midgard in the vicinity of Villnore. It is a sidequest location in Chapter 3 and 4.
- At first it was little more than an idea and a rough sketch, but the Ancient Forest soon grew into a massive undertaking. At 2800 x 2800 pixels in size, and eight levels, the Ancient Forest would have been a huge metaroom. Two and a half levels were planned to be ground, while the remaining areas were planned to be arboreal, using wooden platforms and tree limbs to provide space for Norns to roam. Some planned critters included the Ligard, Qurril, Tree spider, and Buzzy bee. Some of the planned plants were the Peanut Plant and Orange Vine. The project team was dubbed Project Delphi on March 21, 2006, exactly a week after it was formed. The Ancient Forest marked many firsts for the Delphi members - it was the first project that Quirt33 headed in the Creatures Community. Lead artist Embri was in charge of the sprites, her first CC project as well. For Goron40, part of the coding and sprite department, this was his first public project. Nintendo_6444 was also a new-comer to the world of Creatures Community metaroom development. The project was officially terminated as of June 2006, due to a lack of leadership and internal strife. No timeline or plan for resumption of the Ancient Forest is planned.
- The Ancient Forest is a large logic puzzle involving the use of plant pods and the placement of frogs and flies to progress. It contains many rare items and enemies. An unusual feature to the forest is that if the player gets stuck or lost, they can press to instantly return to the entrance. The enemies around have an annoyingly high evade, so using weapons with 255% accuracy helps. If the player brings Vincent, they can find one such weapon for him in the forest.
- The «Ancient Forest» (古森, Furu Mori?) is a forest dungeon located in the north-eastern area of the Sylph zone and the south-western corner of the realm of Alfheim in ALfheim Online.
- Forests inside the borders of a civilization following Fellowship of Leaves have a small chance each turn to change into Ancient Forests. Ancient Forests have a chance of spawning a Treant when an enemy enters the cultural borders. Ancient Forests do not spread. They do not create Ancient Forests nor ordinary Forests. Elven workers are capable of building improvements on tiles with Ancient Forests without destroying the Ancient Forest. Forest tiles with improvements can still upgrade to Ancient Forests. Ancient Forests function as Forests for the purposes of movement penalties. They provide twice the strength bonus of ordinary Forests to defending units.
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